According to my "sent items" I mailed you the tools back on the 19th. Maybe it has got spam-filtered.
I have just forwarded it again.
Not sure if you are saying that adding your empty.gsl wipes all gsl in the world (which shouldn`t happen) or simply previous gsl data in the same gob area (which is how it works - a new gob will overwrite the old gob)
If you are using MB to add new objects to an area where there have already been added other objects you MUST load the other objects into MB as well. Simply seeing the scenery objects displayed by CFS2 is not the same as reloading the Layout data for the other objects. If you don`t have the other objects loaded then when you select all the objects to save you will only collect your new ones and any previous ones will be lost (because they are not actually there. What you are seeing is the fixed GSL objects and not the original layout objects).
The method is :-
- Export the current data for the area from the GSL as a layout file
- run MB and load this layout file (note that you will actually now have 2 of each object showing. The "permanent" GSL version and the overlaid "temporary" layout version. This can get confusing if you delete an object as it seems to be still there)
- add whatever new objects you want. Move or delete any of the previous objects (but remember the GSL versions of the objects will remain where they are until the GSL is rebuilt again)
- select all the objects and export a new layout file
- import this new layout into your GSL
Think of it this way. You should only have one layout file for an area and this should contain all the objects you want to display. If you want to add or edit use this single layout and add the new files to it so that it contains everything (old and new)