50 to 1 is a bit on lean side. 3/8 pint of oil per gallon of gasoline was
called for originally (6 ounces oil in 128 ounces of gasoline...about 21 to 1) Even with today's improved 2 cycle oil it would be better
to use original proportions. Add same quantity of oil to measured quality
of gasoline and mix well before pouring into motor tank. If you make up each
batch consistently you will not have to fiddle with carburetor needles once
you have right settings.
There are several motor tune up in a can for 2 cycle outboard motors that
are reported to clean out carbon and free up rings. OMC and Mercury both
offer so they probably are worth while.
Glad you checked impeller. Water boils at 212 so 260 in water jacket area
is not good...exhaust will be hot which is why cooling water is dumped
into exhaust manifold to aid in cooling hot gas.
With a new impeller, oilier fuel mix will likely bring temperature to normal.
I am not clear about handle problem. Early versions in the series had a
rubber bushing to reduce vibration transmission (non shift motors)
Is yours a gear shift motor with a twist handle? In that case there
has to be some mechanism involved which can be loose, worn, broken or out
of adjustment. Mark6/Mark6A manual shows lots of bits and pieces and
a spring clutch on drive shaft...great when working not so great to
have to tear into to repair. I have little experience with this series
except to know they are different from early K Models and they went thru
a lot of changes.
Good Luck
Put in my new water pump. Mixed the full better and it took a bit of adjustment but got it running. But can't keep it cool. So we took the LU back off and checked the water pump. Everything still seems good. Pulled the tube that hook from the motor to the water pump out and found two fins of a old water pump in the tube. Right at the end. Cleaned out that tube. Everything back together and still not enough cooling. Wondering if more fins are up in the motor or blocking the hole going into the motor. Can't really see all that well all the way up into there. Any advise?
Also seemed to have messed up the cable for neutral so I gotta find a new one. No luck so far. Any ideas where to get one? Its a cable with a lead looking cylinder on the end.
Seems the housing that goes over the water pump is messed up. Its bent and letting most of the water go out the sides of the pump. The seals are also shot in it. So I am shaving the bottom off with the lathe and getting some new seals. It has a hole in the side of the water pump. Looks drilled to me. Not sure if its suppose to be there or not. Seems like a odd place for a seal unless its some type of pressure relief hole.
I took the LU off the motor and hooked a electric pump up to the motor and fired it up. Pumping 60 degree water thru it and running the motor. It never got over 100 degrees on the casing of the motor. Just gotta get the pump to pump enough water.