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Marble Tile Help!

I have an opportunity to clean approx 1000 ft of marble tile. My question is how hard is it to clean this and how to price? I have a truck mount with a SPINNER Tile & Grout Cleaning Tool, a vapor steam cleaner and a Challenger and a Cymex. Since this is marble, I don't want to ruin this floor. And would like to know the best procedure. This could be a good opportunity since the owner has 2 other homes. Help! Please!

Re: Marble Tile Help!

I've cleaned larger areas of tile with my Challenger, cotton pads, and a neutral or moderately alkiline cleaner; and smaller floors with a steam vapor machine. Since acids etch, or dull marble, make sure you are not using a cleaner on the acid side. If you want to be sure you're using an appropriate cleaner, go to the tile products shelf at Home Depot and buy some of their Tile Lab brand of marble cleaner.