I have a Wizaed 9.2 Mod.#COC6609A96 Ser # 1083. The head gasket is leaking a few drops of water on the bottom of the bottom cylinder. Can't find a new head gasket. Is there any kind of material that one can be made from that will work? Any and all help wanted. Thanks
If and when you find a head gasket be very very very
careful removing headbolts...they have been known to
snap off flush to block...and that can be a problem.
Your motor is a 1966 model
West Bend became Western Auto's outboard source in 1965 just before Chrysler acquired West Bend...from
there the story gets interesting...as West Bend
outboards were sold as Chryslers, Wizards and Sea Kings thru Montgomery Ward...a few years later Chrysler had to divest their Marine and Outboard
divisions....outboards became Force brand...later
acquired by Mercury and operated until a few years
back...some output sold as Sears Gamefisher.
It may be a long shot but there are NOS parts
about for a lot of orphan brands. It may be helpful
to determine part number as well as have an idea
of what gasket looks like as vendor may/may not
know what they have.
West Bend supplied Sears with Elgin brand outboards from end of ww2 until 1964. It is possible that the
West Bend model supplied to Sears and the model later supplied to Western Auto share mechanical items such as head gasket. As the saying goes "it gets complicated"...and then some. West Bend also sold
outboards under their own name outside US and later
inside US while supplying Sears.
What I am trying to say is there has to be some continuity, perhaps enough to make finding your exact model's head gasket both more complex and more likely.
It would take someone with more practical hands on
experience to say if reality follows theory.
Good Luck
Thank you very much for the supplied info. In my dreams I expected someone to say " I got 2 of them in my shop." That aint likely to happen. Again thanks for any help.
Place a free ad in aomci webvertizer and go to ask a
member to see if anyone can come up with a part number and hopefully a suggestion as to who might
have head gasket for your motor. You have to ask around and let it be known what you seek to get
If you get a part number check ebay from time to time
as a lot of NOS is sold without any information as
to what it fits...part number can help...although
with the several store brands each may have their own
part number scheme.
There is also an online firm that custom makes head gaskets overseas for a reasonable sum in real time.
Years ago I knew a mechanic who made head gaskets
for tank engine while in army out of copper sheet.
I did not ask how well that worked...at least well
enough to drive tank out of motor pool or maybe not.
I have used soft roofing copper for similar purpose
when greasegunning a stuck piston.
Well I now have a parts manual for a wizard 9.2 model #COC6609A96. The part # for the head gasket I need is 291518. If someone has an extra one laying around let me know. Thanks for all the info I have received.
I can't find anything else close to what you need under Chrysler, West bend, or Sea king.
It looks like ordinary gasket material with metal compression rings around the cylinder holes to me.
I was able to locate a head gasket at Franz Marine. It is on the way. I looked at the one you found. When I get mine I will compare them and let you know if it is the same one. Also located an impeller at Laings Outboard. Thanks to everyone for your help. I will keep you posted on the results.
Got the head gasket yesterday and put it on. Now waiting for impeller to arrive. The old impeller was in 4 pieces. The head gasket you found was not even close with the bolt holes. Thanks.
I checked the head and deck with a machinest ruler and they are flush. Head gasket is on...impeller is in and it does a good job of pushing a 15 foot wide body Jon boat. Now for that pesky leak on the foot. Dad bought this motor new so I know the history of it. Again thanks for all the info and help.