I have a 25hp 1960 Wizard. My dad bought it brand new in 1960 at Western Auto for $100.00 with remote controls and set up for wheel steering. I was 10 yrs old at the time. It has been used periodically since then and has never failed to start. It has been sitting now for 20 years and I would like to restore it. I obviously need an impeller and fuel pump kit, but also need things like rubber mounts for the shaft to housing etc. Anyone know a source for these parts or someone who molds the rubber mounts?
Western Auto like many retailers did not manufacture
what they sold. A 25hp Wizard outboard motor sold in 1960 could possibly be from Mercury, Oliver or Scott (MacCulloch). Aside from having Wizard brand nothing else in common.
Your first task is to positively identify your motor.
Usually there is an Id tag giving model and serial
number information. If so, post that information here
and someone is sure to know who made it. If not, post a picture(s) as the Wizard is sure to be very similar
to outboards sold under makers brand.
Parts...a surprising range of parts for old outboards are still available some New Old Stock and some reproduced. Brian Wilcox molds a range of rubber
components including impellers.
I suspect the original selling price was more than $100...I suspect a lower number was given to insure
domestic approval and tranquility.