Might help to indicate where you are located and if you are willing to ship or pick up only. It might also be helpful to post your offer on a selling venue such as AOMCI.org webvertize or your local craigslist. There are a lot more people who like old
outboards than are club members so a local ad will
likely draw interest. Shipping charges and damage in
shipping are major considerations.
Thank You for sharing and Good Luck
Yes, Gary, you can easily remove the nuts that hold the powerhead onto the tower and make two pieces. Further, you can unbolt the foot (gearbox) and make three pieces. Leave the driveshaft with the foot. Remove the prop to further flatten the package.
I often ship motors this way. Also in one piece via Fedex Ground, with good results. I shy away from UPS based on poor experience others have had using them. Good luck. JW in Dixie