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carbs on WG6 model wizard

i have almost finally finished restoring my WG6 super 5. I purchased two super 5s with the intent of using them both to make one complete motor,however, the bowl on each carb differ. the carbs are exactly the same other than three holes on the bottom of the bowl. my parts motor has three closed holes on the bottom of the bowl, two on the sides/one on the bottom center. my working motor has one closed hole on one side, one open hole on the other, and what looks like a bowl drain hole in the bottom center. both of the holes are threaded. does anyone know if the holes need to be plugged in order for the carb to work? or does the carb function with the two holes open?...confused. or, does anyone have an exploded view of the carb that they could email to me?

Re: carbs on WG6 model wizard

Would help to know carburetor model and if gravity
feed or fuel pump equipped motor. There are some
on line sites selling parts that have illustrated
parts lists. First thing though is carburetor model
id and to verify correct for your motor.
I am not real strong on later motors but someone on
this site may know them well.

Re: carbs on WG6 model wizard


Please recheck your model idetification. WG6 is not
a valid model.
Would help to know carburetor model and if gravity
feed or fuel pump equipped motor. There are some
on line sites selling parts that have illustrated
parts lists. First thing though is carburetor model
id and to verify correct for your motor.
I am not real strong on later motors but someone on
this site may know them well.

Re: carbs on WG6 model wizard

thanks Louis, it the 5hp wizard(48-52 model)made by mercury, sold by montgomery ward/western auto. it has a fuel pump, i accually got it running today and its leaking fuel pretty bad. my guess is that the two "open threaded ports" on the bottom of the carb need to be plugged. the ports are not the idle or "high speed" adjustments, so all i can think of are clean-out ports or something...?

Re: carbs on WG6 model wizard

Remote tank fuel pump equipped motors have a pressure feed carburetor which will have a filter and fuel
inlet at top of carburetor. Best suggestion I can
make is check around for an online parts list for your model. If it is the type of carburetor I am thinking of be very careful when installing cover...If not aligned right they will break when you tighten fasteners.
Can you post pictures of motor and carburetor?
My suspicion is you have a WH6 or WH6A (Wizard version of Mark 6 Mercury)...which I had once and found that access was so tight I could do little without removing much...give me the early K Models any day for ease of access. If I understand the
situation correctly your carburetor is missing
a plug and or screw from bottom of float well...
possibly more too. You can best determine what
should be there that is not by comparing with
illustrated parts catalog.
Kiekhaefer was not a Montgomery Ward supplier after
WW2...Post war Sea Kings came from OMC until
early 1960's Half the battle of reviving one
of the store brand motors is identifing the
actual maker..often very much the same as company brand motors...not always.
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