Not sure I understand your comment louis. This was from a motor you and others showed me how to get going last summer. There were a lot of back and forth conversations between several of us, which ultimately resulted in me being able to fire up this old Wizard. I made a video, posted it, and have recently moved it to You tube. All I did here was add the link so it would show up. I suspect the numbers are due to several people viewing the information and pics that were posted along the way. Anyway, I'm very proud to have gotten this thing running and thankful for those of you on this forum who helped me out.
I am sure Louis' concern was piqued because we have had the occaisonal spam posting and rarely do we get an old post resurrected. That said, we're glad you chimed in to let us all know it was legit. We're also glad to hear that your Wizard is still treating you right. You should be proud of your work!
It seemed to me the numbers of entrys was way out of
line to this sites usual topic. I have had my share of Nigerian Bankers,cookies and phishing...and probably more I suspect but have not pinned down...lot of things out there
and some are not good. Caution is advised when something seems a little off...kind of like
not opening up a can of tuna if the ends are bulged
out...and definitely do not taste contents to see it it has gone bad.