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Information Please!!!

I have mailed Jason quite a bit of information about
the "other" Wizards made by Scott Atwater/McCulloch
and West Bend/Chrysler. I know of two other firms
that made outboards for Western Auto (besides ESKA)
Oliver and Muncie Gear. Perhaps there are some
other prewar suppliers. Hopefully Jason will be
able to organize and post as a reference
source for those with an interest in the too old to be new and too new to be old Wizards. In 1957 to 1965
time frame Western Auto changed suppliers of outboards four times so keeping track of who done it requires a program. If that is not enough to confuse Western Auto and Sears suppliers swapped places and both of the suppliers changed owners and names.
The reference material should help sort things out
AND lend some light to your parts chasing.