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wizard 20hp

got wizard wba6520a56 need info year,maker,possible parts and mix ratio runs ok but has hard miss once in a while ? thanks joe ps some times need to spray staring fluid to start pulled float bowl and cleaned but still does it

Re: wizard 20hp

You've got a 1965 Chrysler-made Wizard. Oil mix is 1:50, I believe. You can get parts from: (you have to call them).

I would give the carburetor a full cleaning...blowing out all of the jets with compressed air after spraying it with carb cleaner. The fuel lines would be worth replacing if they were sitting for a long time. You could also have spark issues, which could be as simple as replacing spark plugs, but the points may need a good cleaning. If you pull the flywheel, it would be good to inspect the coils. If the coil housing is cracked, that would be a likely culprit, and will likely lead to a complete failure in the coil over time. But, it is hard to say until you check.

Start with a good cleaning of the carb. If that doesn't solve the problem, I would continue by checking the magneto next (points and coils).

Just my thoughts!

Re: wizard 20hp

thank you i all ready changed plugs ill mix gas 50to one see what happens if not illfind something to pull flywheel thank you ,know any where to get parts?

Re: wizard 20hp

Discount Marine will have the basics....ignition components, carb rebuild kits. If you need actual hardware, you'll have to get in touch with some used parts guys...which I have recommendations for if you need them.

To pull the flywheel wheel, get a harmonic balancer puller from an auto store. They are about $15. You'll need to get three grade 8 bolts, 1/4-20 sized, about 3" long. You'll need a strap wrench to hold the flywheel in place while you loosen the top nut.