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Need a Paint code number

I am in need of a paint code for the Wizard green the stuff from Ca. is great but it cost ALOT to ship down here and it takes for ever. If anyone has a paint code that you could either E-mail me or just post that would be great.

Re: Need a Paint code number

I haven't painted a Wizard, but Ron Leitha has some beautiful wizards on the pictures page...hopefully he will see your post (not sure if he uses Peter's paint or not). I have heard guys using a Duplicolor paint called Detroit Alpine Green (or something like that), but I can't vouch for how close it is (I think guys also use it on the 40s-50s Elgins, too). Others have used the green OMC used on the Johnson TN models of the early 50s...but, again, not perfect and I don't know how precise you want to get. Close enough is good enough for me, but I appreciate those who want it exact. Hope this helps a little!


Re: Need a Paint code number

Hi Jp,
I have seen the pictures of Ron’s Wizards and the only way to describe them is incredible. But what I am doing is to reproduce a factory finish on the motors I am working on. In the past I have filled and wet sanded down to 600 grit to get the paint to lay down and look like a car. But that’s not how a Wizard came when you bought them new. The finish showed the roughness of the castings and there was color variation from year to year. That’s what I am trying to archive. Sounds like the easy way out but I am working for as original as possible. Thanks again for those paints but I think my other choice is to take a piece that has good paint still and get it mixed. Thanks again

Re: Re: Need a Paint code number

That sounds like the best approach. Take a good flat surface into an auto paint store...I hear they can do wonders in matching.

Re: Need a Paint code number

I ended up rubbing out what looked like a section of Okay paint and found a good color sample and have it at the paint shop now. they said it should only take a couple days and they will have the match. If anyone wants the code for the paint I would be glad to give it to you. Just remember I think Merc had 3 or 4 paint suppliers over the years so the color does very a little from year to year

Re: Need a Paint code number

You guys are experts in wizards.THIS SITE IS A JOKE NO ONE NO sheet.are it a big area 51 project

Re: Need a Paint code number

The nerve of some people...Who said we were Experts? I'm just a guy who collects these motors and I want to share what I've learned for the next guy. By the way, there isn't that much information out there on these orphan motors and a guy could go broke trying to buy every manual that promised answers. I've learned lots from others here.
Go lurk somewhere else if you don't like what you read. I can't find a single place in any search on this site where you've contributed anything.

Re: Need a Paint code number

Here's the paint codes Ron uses. This email came directly from Ron. I hope this helps.

The original Wizard green was a cheap, bland color which always faded out. I did my restorations with a two stage Paint called Nason Ful-Cryl ll Acrylic Enamel, also use their thinner. I bought a qt of paint & a qt of thinner, enough to do 3-4 motors, might of also had a hardner to add, dont remember, but think so, comes also when ordering the paint, they will tell you if it is needed. Color is 65 GM Willow Green, has some mettalic in it, much nicer color than the org wizard plain paint but real close in color. Code H Paint I.D. # is: 4633 ID A. I got it thru my local Car Quest parts store.. Paint can be put on in wet coats, I have never had a problem with sagging & I put it on quite heavily, 3-4 coats with a short set up time between coats, dont remember but perhaps 5-10 mins?, with a big spray gun, dries very hard with a super gloss finish.
Good luck

Re: Need a Paint code number

Thanks for the paint code. This will come in handy.