I had a Wizard Super Twin that was stolen from me a few years back and am looking to replace it. I can't locate the serial number, I actually had it written down at one time, all I do know is it was manufactured in 1949. The motor ran incredibly well and I used it often. It was given to my by my grandfather just before he passed away. It didn't run when he gave it to me but I removed the flywheel and filed the points and it ran like a dream from that point on. I keep thinking that I will spot it somewhere around town but my hopes are fading. If anyone has one they would like to sell or know where one is, please think of me first. jfeuers@comcast.net
I appreciate it and actually just ran across that ad waiting for his response. it won't replace the one I lost but I would still like to have one from '49 if possible.
You might also post a free "wanted" add on the AOMCI.org web page (click on the webvertize link). That is about a good a spot as any to track one down, as there are tons of collectors/sellers that monitor that site.
Not to bad mouth flea markets and similar selling
venues but outboards, lawn and garden equipment and tools are commonly bought and sold without bill of
sale or proof of ownership...I have heard that there
are folks who make a living picking up things
here and selling them elsewhere...maybe even things
they don't own. LEIN...Law Enforcement Identification Network is tied into driver's license numbers...
if you engrave your Driver's License Number on
expensive portable items in two places: one in
plain view and the other out of sight thieves will
avoid your traceable items and police can match recovered items with rightful owner...
Contact your local law enforcement...mine even
loans out the engraving tool.
I just found your message from 5/08. I have Wizard Model WF-4, Serial # 310095 (probably 1950) which came to me with a 1951 Lyman 13' Runabout that also has a 1951 Evinrude 25 hp "Big Twin" that has been restored. I'm not planning to do anything with the Wizard and I'd be interested in finding a good new owner for it. If you still have an interest or if anyone else reading this does, please contact me at jfptak@aol.com.
I know that your request was several years ago but I have a 1949 WF4 Supper twin s/n 307844. It appears to be one of the first ones made. I do not know much about it's condition. I have started it in a drum but never used. The lower unit was welded at some point. I would like to sell it to someone that would restore it. email