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Guide On UK Rhodes Scholarship

About the Scholarship:
This scholarship is a fully-funded postgraduate award, which allows people from all over the world to study at the University of Oxford.
The scholarship covers the course fees. Moreover, it provides an annual stipend to the students.
Students from anywhere in the world can apply for this scholarship.
In addition, it will cover the cost of two economy-class flights from and to the UK.
You must have an undergraduate degree with a good academic record and must be a citizen of your home country. 
Candidates must be 26 years or less than that if they want to apply for the scholarship.
Students must have an excellent academic track record and must have made a good impact on a large section of society.
Documents Required:
You must need a valid passport, proof of citizenship in your resident country, test scores of IELTS, academic mark sheets and an updated CV.
A personal statement of 1000 words and a minimum of 2 letters of recommendation are vital while applying.

If you want to know about those scholarships, you can connect with Study Abroad Consultants Mumbai