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Re: New Medical Centre

Thanks for the info. Roy. Will walk down and see what's there.

Town: Stubshaw Cross

Re: New Medical Centre

Council kept it very quiet about closing 2 doctors surgeries has well as queen road clinic ,where does everyone park?Most people try to get a doctors surgery close to home but now could be shunted into ashton.and not everyone can get from the market car park to the town hall has there is limited parking around the town hall.Are there plans afoot to put a car park on the bowling green/school field?Also the council have for years tried to build on king george v playing field,getting rid of the clinic would open a path to the field

Town: bryn

Re: New Medical Centre

Totally agree with your comments Peter once again Ashton is the poor relations in Wigan MBC reuse an existing building when all other parts of the bourough get brand new medical centres with ample parking. Its time our councillors and MP started to fight for Ashton instead of takeing second best and cast offs. Go to plattbridge pemberton golborne hindley would they have put up with an old run down building with no car parking???

Town: Ashton

Re: New Medical Centre

I think they want to pull down the Town Hall and build a new building although they have mentioned keeping some of the existing features at the front.

Town: Stubshaw Cross

Re: New Medical Centre

I think the big issue will be the lack of car parking at the Town Hall site for two GPs surgeries, a community centre and a clinic. The traffic is already congested on Bryn Street and there is already a hazard with car parking at Bryn Street with the close proximity of St Oswalds School.

When I questioned the lack of car parking I was told that all GP and clinic appointments would be staggered so there wouldn't be an issue with car parking. Well appointments are already staggered now at Dr Sharmas, the Clininc and Dr Alistairs but there is always seems to be an issue with car parking. There appear to be no plans for any car parking facility on the Town Hall site - not even for the staff who will work there. Can you imagine the congestion on Bryn Street ?

Another issue is that the proposed new building will not be owned by either the PCT or the Council. The building will be owned by a private company called Eric Wright. Eric Wright will rent it out for 25 years. After the 25 years has elapsed who knows ??? It is like Thatcher again - privatising publicly owned assets but in another guise this time.

There are far better sites that could be considered which would have adequate car parking for example:

1) Queens Road existing site - PCT claim it is too small but look at the site on google earth and compare it to the Town Hall site. Surprisingly the Town Hall site is actually the smaller site !

2) Dr Alistair's existing site - use the land to the rear too - where the Levine house was. Again the site is big enough for a clinic building and adequate car parking and is close to the bus stop and train station for those using public transport.

3) Rockleigh site - big enough site for a clinic and car parking.

4) Nupro site - big enough site for a clinic and car parking

5)Bryn Britannia - big site and close to public transport for buses, trains.

No other clinic in the whole of Wigan Borough is shoe horned in to a tiny site in the middle of a Town Centre. look at Claire House, Platt Bridge, Chandler etc - all built out of Town and with lots of space around for pretty landscaping and adequate car parking. So why should Ashton be the poor relation.??

Re: New Medical Centre

Karan you are exactly right and its down to our councillors and MP who take big fat wages and do nothing for the town. The Rockleigh would be the obvious choice has loads of parking around and can be added onto the next door centre. BUT WHEN PRIVATE FIRMS ARE INVOLVED ITS WHO GETS THE BEST DEAL NO WHAT EFFECT IT HAS ON THE TOWN CORRUPTION AT ITS BEST.

Town: Ashton

Re: New Medical Centre

to look at traffic chaos drive past the old council skip yard on frog lane and see how many cars are parked on the bend past the health centre on the right because there is not enough car-parking spaces on site so god help us around the town hall just go round there at school run time

Town: bryn

Re: New Medical Centre

Has anyone seen the plans for the centre?

Town: Stubshaw Cross

Re: New Medical Centre

I have asked to see the plans many times.

The answer has always been 'no'.

How can a fair and democratic consultation proceed if the Public can't look at the plans ?

PS Your consultation form has to be submitted before 7.12.11. Good Luck if you manage to see any plans before that date !!!!

Re: New Medical Centre

I have just watched a programme BBC1 tonight Panorama - Who's getting rich on your money?

It gave a good insight into the Private Finance Initiatives PFI and these NHS clinics.

So the proposed Ashton clinic will be financed by this PFI.

As Government spending cuts bite, one group of businessmen know they will keep making vast profits from our taxes while getting us ever deeper into debt. This new ALW PCT clinic in Ashton along with all the others will be built by private companies who lease them back to the government. But what's in it for the taxpayer?

Panorama investigated the inflexible terms and conditions of what has become the government's flexible friend - the Private Finance Initiative PFI- a kind of ministerial credit card which racks up huge public debts without showing on the nation's balance sheet. Panorama uncovered evidence of how government claims that PFI gives taxpayers value for money have been manipulated.

Panorama branded the PFI 'dodgy accounting'. Watch the programme on catch up TV and judge for yourseld.

Re: New Medical Centre

Very interesting point Karen. However the Government are NOT behind this proposal which is being backed by Labour Councilors, and our MP old and new. This was shown in the Labour Rose leaflet setting out their approval, the Independants seem to be opposed!

Town: Ashton

Re: New Medical Centre

why dont they build it on ashton heath ? loads of barren land which is an eyesore!! this would be the ideal solution to the traffic problem.lets face it the heath is very little used, i dont mean use all of it , lets just say half and properly landscape the rest.Dont give me the old flannel about it being common land either, its approx 3-4 acers of SCRUBLAND doing nothing, i say build build build.

Town: ashton

Re: New Medical Centre

Trying to wind folk up Simon?

Town: Stubshaw Cross

Re: New Medical Centre

no ian i am serious, and before you ask i live opposite the heath,i would rather the heath be developed than to leave it the way it is.

Town: ashton

Re: New Medical Centre

Side tracked off town hall site but simon should be thankfull he has open space opposite where he lives and i hope they keep it like that for many years to come.Most people who know Ashton are aware that the council want to sell Bryn rec/King georgev playing fields also wanted to do away with the bowling greens/field behind the old town hall and move st oswalds are they going to house all the staff in such a small area has the old town hall plus car parking for the staff who will be working there.If they can get round the deed of covenant on the king george v field why not build on there and have entrances from armoury bank and queens rd ,plenty space for a two storey biulding plus parking,Pull the old town hall down and turn it into a car park(free)

Town: bryn