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The Mike Love Fan Club
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Thanks Patricia

I see message boards slowing down here, there, and everywhere. Granted ... this one hasn't been 'cookin' with gas' for awhile now but with one loan exception [that I'm aware of] they're all slowing down in a [sadly] meaningful way. Maybe 'tweeting" and 'facebooking' are the cold new realities. Hopefully it isn't because our 'Boys' are not garnering the kind of attention they once did.

These message boards were a warm and friendly and significant way for fans to interact and share their passion. YOU put a whole lot of time and effort into THIS site. cost YOU money to do it. Well now here it nostril just barely above the waterline...and I want to THANK you Patrica Ferrelli. For your YEARS of commitment and dedication to the CAUSE and to Mike and the Beach Boys you deserve nothing but our complete and utter respect...and...our unbridled THANK YOUs.

You...Patricia...made being a Beach Boys fan an easier thing to be. The access you provided made it possible. You gave us a place for folks to meet, greet and share. That it didn't always play out the way you had intended, hoped and planned does NOT mask the FACT that what you did mattered.

Mike and the Boys were and are OH SO FORTUNATE to have YOU in their corner.

R E S P E C T.

What are you listening to right now? Made in California...Take It Home Tom Cochrane...Robert Plant's latest

Re: Thanks Patricia

Yes thanks Patricia from me too, I have been a Beach Boy fan all my life and to have you doing what you do is much appreciated, I am stunned that I will be able to see Mike in Manchester in May only an hour away from Liverpool and Brian and Al in Liverpool in September have they been taking note of my wishes ha ha ( only joking) but its so amazing as normally as I don't drive they have been to far away for me. and last year I was in Spain when Mike came to York. Thanks again , and keep up the good work

What are you listening to right now? No Pier pressure