Mike fought Smile beacuse he thought it would not be popular, and on the practical side he was right!!! Duringt this peoriod the Beach Boys could draw almost no one to their concerts. Artistic endevors are good but they often do not pay the bills!!
What are you listening to right now? the great Al Jardine
Mike hated Pet Sounds too didn't he or was it just Smile either way I don't agree with him at all because it's all great music. In fact I think he still hated Smile when it was finally released. Jealousy maybe I don't know. But I don't agree with him I don't hate him either. Because he can feel the way he wants about i. It doesn't mean it's not great music because it is.
What are you listening to right now? The Beach Boys In Concert
I don't hate him. I just don't respect him all that much as an individual or as a business mind. As a member of the group...particularly from start to '65 he was a VITAL KEY in terms of their growth and success. Without him 'it' NEVER would have taken flight.
His contributions post '65 are still there and can be heard reasonably often. Up until but NOT including the time-frame and the release of Endless Summer and then particularly the 15 Big Ones lp...Mike had virtually nothing left that I wanted/want to hear. Still doesn't.
As it turned out he was/is one of the least creative guys in the group. While everyone else grew artistically...Mike either stood still or shrunk back.
Bottom line though...If it wasn't for Mike...particularly his smart-ass sound back at the absolute get-go and also during the subsequent follow-up years of '63, '64, and '65...not to mention providing his 'ying' to Brian's 'yang'...none of us would be here chattin' about it 'cause the Beach Boys never would have taken off.
I seldom come to this site anymore. Every time I do there is at least one active ANTI Mike thread to be witnessed. I know that Patty has put multiple hundreds of hours of blood, sweat, and tears into this site. Even if you don't think that Mike Love deserves respect [thread starter] SHE certainly does.
So cut the woman a little slack and if you have nothing positive to add to the Mike debate...find a better venue to air your complaints. No doubt they bear some justification [at least to you] but you won't find many here that agree with you or want to roll through the same OLD poop yet again.
If Mike was not in the Beach Boys they still would have been one of the greatest bands ever. Dennis matured in the late 60's and he carried the Beach Boys in the early '70s. Carl became the stable force in concert early and there was just too much talent.
Brian was a musical genious and the early records he he wrote with Tony Asher and Roger Christian would have developed even more in a writing relationship and I am sure Brian would have had planty of writers helping him pen lyrics to his awesome musical symphonies.
Don't Worry Baby had no Mike Love influence and was the turning point away from the Car/Surf records. Mike penned some great songs with Brian but the songs always had the music with Brian writing all of them the lyrics may have been a little different without Mike but much success would have happened either way
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: who hates mike love? Not me.
Although I am a Dennis lady, it does no good to hate Mike because it gives him attention and if you hate him why would you want to draw attention to him. If you hate him, ignore him. Simple as that.
What are you listening to right now? The train going by my highrise