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Meeting Mike Love

I met Mike in the summer of 61--I was headed for my barber shop when a guy I didn't know called for me to come over. As I did he ran past me and grabbed the young hip barber. I was stuck with the older owner. He proceeded to talk, brag about his band their new name, the Pendletones, that Murray was recording them..blah blah..I was snickering at his bravado. A few months later Surfin was released and was a regional hit. I started 9th grade at Morningside High and they played a sock hop. Under their new name of the Beach Boys. Of course the rest is history-ps Steve Love was my classmate.

What are you listening to right now? Spoon "Gimme Fiction"

Thanks for sharing Fred!

That's an interesting story. I can visualize your story about Mike Love at the barbershop (gee I never thought I'd ever say or write that sentence).