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Food tips

Kit sorted and route approved my attention is now on food..

I'm planning to pick up what I can along the route from the various hubs (Fort A, Kingussie, Braemar/Ballater). Cook kit is a Stormin stove and cone.

My usual meal option consists of:

Breakfast bars
Lunch: nuts, wrap and primula, dried fruit
Evening meal: noodle/rice based with a cuppa sick added or couscous.

I tend to flavour with tabasco, maybe an oxo or similar.

Has anyone got any favourite meal combinations (just add water, using a alcohol stove)?

Re: Food tips

I make all my favourite food and dehydrate it. I then put them in shrink rap machine. Some foods mostly meat and potatoes are not great, however mince is very good its just trial and error. Just open the bag and soak in the hot water for 10mins then add more water to the consistency you want. Because im not a weight watcher i eat canned fish in the afternoon and some oat (Scottish) biscuits, olives, cheese, spiced cured sausage, Parma ham and maybe a glass of wine.... Last year before the challenge we buried a nice package near kinbreak bothy, you can even make your own bread. There is nothing more satisfying than looking for it and finding what goodies you have.

Re: Food tips

Hi Stef,

I do like the sound of making my own meals and many friends use dehydrators with fantastic results. But im not planning on posting food parcels ahead (for a few reasons). Im of the opinion that we should (if possible) add to the local economy by buying stuff along the way, a sort of gesture payment in a way.

Although the sound of finding something buried appeals to me in a strange sort of way, I'm a "leave no trace" kind of guy. So digging up the ground to store my breakfast doesn't work for me.

Re: Food tips

Hi Rich. You will wonder how you have mamaged to get through hundreds of pounds on the challenge and you don't know we're it's gone ?..That's the Scottish invisible economy,,,
I think food on the challenge is very important,at times it's a moral booster after a hard wet day, I don't hold with just a packet
Of noodles to look forward too something like a dehydrated curry, or a stew that you remember making,
Then a little dram to go with it,, mmmm!!!

Re: Food tips

Oh yes, the dram is the most important thing! No meal will be complete without a malt to see it down.

I intend to do my part with regards to contributing to the Scottish fluid market!

Re: Food tips

I'm with you Rich , it should be a challenge after all . It is wonderful to make your own way gleaning info. and food where you can and using iron rations in between . In six crossings i didn't post anything in advance and generally came home about 7 lbs lighter and a lot fitter . Best wishes for your crossing .

Re: Food tips

When I say dig up the ground I can assure you that no traces are left behind i.e. Large holes etc and all the man made materials get placed in my pack to carry so I can discard the correct way. One question if you say you leave no trace what do you do about you're number 2s

Re: Food tips

It's the cuppa sick that's bothering me!