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Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

I'm asking for your help for an area of Scotland outwith the Challenge boundaries, Assynt, in the far north west. A planning application has just been submitted for twenty wind turbine 433 feet tall (that's VERY big) above the Oykel Bridge Hotel.

This windfarm's visual reach will stretch into the heart of Assynt, the jewel in the Highland's crown.

You can find out all about it, with a link to the Highland Council's website where you can make your objection. Objections DO count!

Click HERE to help.

Thank you.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Thanks, Alan, done!

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

At the moment there are 70 objections on the Highlands Council page that Alan has provided a link to. I'm sure many Challengers object to this desecration of the Highlands. You may feel that it won't make any difference, but objections from the general public are factored into the planning process. If we do nothing, then the money grubbers will win by default. It only takes five minutes to fill in the form. I hope everyone will do so. We could easily double the number of objections.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

In the nicest possible way, I would like to appeal to Challengers' consciences.

I think we all agree that we find Scotland's wild landscapes a source of inspiration. We go to these places and come away refreshed and invigorated.

Is it not too much to ask Challengers to spend just five minutes of their time to write a few words of objection to a massive windfarm in one of Scotland's most beautiful areas, Sutherland? You'll be helping to preserve and fabulous wild place.

As it is we are losing swathes of Challenge territory to wind farms. Please, please do not let it happen to assynt and Sutherland!

Click HERE to find out what is at stake and a link to the Highland Council website to make your objection.

I would like to think that every single Challenger feels like I do about this.

Thank you.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Tick - done

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!


Do these BLOODY people never learn other than greed.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

I've done it too, I think - a letter of objection - but it didn't seem to appear on their website. Hope I'm not being techno-numpty again, because my blood boils about this. If it's not there tomorrow I'll try again

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Hi Jean

Thank you for helping. The Highland Council Website is dreadfully clunky - but things do work and your comment will appear, eventually.

You should receive an automatic email acknowledgment and you'll also receive an emailed letter as well the next day.

This application is quite staggering.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

This application is quite staggering.

Bordering on Criminal IMO!

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Jean, your objection has now appeared.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Thanks again for warning us, Alan. Objection lodged.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Thank you to all the Challengers who have written and objected to this wind farm. Every objection does make a difference. This wind farm will affect the most glorious landscape in Scotland: It will be massively visible from the heart of Assynt.

I appealed earlier in this thread to your consciences, and a number of Challengers have stepped up to the plate. However, looking at the numbers of Challengers who have actually objected, perhaps I should now be more direct? There really has been a very poor response.

We take such pleasure from these magnificent places, so why not give a little back and spend just five minutes of your time to protect it?
Come on - Please!

Here's the links again:



Thank you.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

My first ever planning objection because I'm generally in favour of wind power, but this is an exceptional case.
The right technology in the wrong place.
When the planning website updates you'll see my position may be different to many Challengers but perhaps that adds to its force.

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Over 500 public comments. Most objecting. Still time to register yours. If you haven't already, please consider doing so

Re: Your help is needed to preserve Assynt!

Protest added. They come thick and fast don't they!