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Tick Bites

A timely reminder to all.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-27255853

Re: Tick Bites

I can vouch for the ticks being active - got three of the darlings latched on when I was up there last week.

Re: Tick Bites

I thought I would share with you my method of a tick free trip. I have been of the mind that prevention is better, if it can be done. for years now when I'm out fishing or back packing I have included in my nightly wash TCP and Dettol, I carry a 50ml bottle of the mix, 50/50 and put about
5 - 10ml onto my portable sink. It seems to put them off, they don't like it up em!


It seems to work for me as I've only had about 10 ticks in 15 years, mind you the down side is that it stinks out the tent and you smell as if you have just come out of a hospital ward!

Re: Tick Bites

I have used a Premethin Spray on the bottoms of my trousers, socks and also waist band an cuff.

Fingers crossed.

Last tick bite was in Lakes in 2008.
It bit me coughed and then I killed the Bar Steward.

One walked over my bare foot in 2010.
I killed that ***ger too with my knife.

The big secret is to walk with someone they like a lot more than you.

Re: Tick Bites

I spoke to a Spartan looking fella after the 2009 whose name I forget - clues -he always wore shorts and seemed to live off cheese and pickle sarnies. Anyhow when asked about ticks he said every time he stopped for abreather her brushed down his legs with his hands to remove the nymphs and nymphettes and had never been bitten over several crossing. Makes sense really beacause if they can't jump they have to crawl up ya legs to get to the parts they seem to like - organic too.

Re: Tick Bites

I spoke to a Spartan looking fella ... whose name I forget - clues -he always wore shorts and seemed to live off cheese and pickle sarnies.

That will have been the Foul Weather Whisky Hunter: Caburn Chamberlain.

Re: Tick Bites

Or it equally could have been Alan Hardy, who always walks in shorts, or even me. I may be pushing my luck but I have not had a tick latch on in over 20 crossings.

Re: Tick Bites

In the article...Public Health England says the best way for walkers to avoid getting bitten is to use repellent, wear light coloured clothes so that ticks can easily be seen and walk on paths and avoid long grass or verges.

Oh well, that's the Challenge out then.

Mr G ..I may be pushing my luck but I have not had a tick latch on in over 20 crossings

Can't say I blame them Pete, I wouldn't want to crawl up your leg

Re: Tick Bites

I'm with Mr Grumpy on this one - I've never knowingly had a tick bite in all my years of Challenging. The only precaution I ever take is to try and avoid sitting on grAss.

Could it be that hairy legs are the ultimate tick repellent?

Re: Tick Bites

Midge bites - Zero!
Tick bites - Zero!
Four Challenges!

That's a Challenge to the Vampires!

Re: Tick Bites

This year might just be the year to change all your stats, I was up at my home hill lochs in Argyll today fishing, B****Y HELL the midgies were fierce, Skin So Soft and a net was the dress code. That was the mildest winter I can remember for a long time so the wildlife has started early and will be good this year.

Re: Tick Bites


Oh. Great.

New Challengers may wish to read this Cautionary Tale

Not for the squeamish.

Re: Tick Bites

Apparently Smidge repels ticks as well as midges. If the predictions are correct this year, we may need it.

Re: Tick Bites

I don't want to worry you all, but for me the stats are:
Challenges = 3
Ticks = 0
3 days in the Cairngorms last week: ticks = 3