





Download route sheets, admin forms, event documents here

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Re: A Special Invitation

Andrew, I realise I'm a vital component for the success of any cheese and wine party, but even with a CWA to my FWA I would still be a day late! But thank you for pointing out my failure to read the micro print :-( Sorry!

Re: A Special Invitation

Routes are meant to be changed and altered as is necessary.

Just as FWA are deviations from the planned route to accomodate Foul Weather, so CWA routes are Cheese and Wine Alternatives routes.
Then there is the ever popular GCA (good company alternative) routes where you change your route to walk with someone who has good stories to tell.
You can alter your route as you go, provided you keep control informed.

Please keep changes to submitted route to a minimum if you can folks. They're vetted carefully to try to offer safety advice; changes made en route ain't vetted (which perhaps wastes the vetter's time…).

The option to change a route, erm, en route, is vital to allow Challengers to cope with unpredicted dire weather, inadversity, unforeseen circumstances, etc, etc. We ain't changing that aspect at all; it's a safety measure. We'll accommodate changes in Control wherever possible but hopefully there'll be a good reason behind them!

If anyone wants to attend a cheese and wine party then that's absolutely marvellous - part of the spirit of the event I'd say - I'll raise a glass to it! But please try to plan it into the route you submit.

If anyone wants to withdraw a submitted route to reroute to a cheese & wine party, please let me know asap!


Re: A Special Invitation

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend either party. I might not even bump in to you all in Braemar, I think I may be a day behind everyone. Oh dear. I should have planned that a little better

Do you mean to say that you've already put your route sheet in!

Just as FWA are deviations from the planned route to accomodate Foul Weather, so CWA routes are Cheese and Wine Alternatives routes.
Then there is the ever popular GCA (good company alternative) routes where you change your route to walk with someone who has good stories to tell.
You can alter your route as you go, provided you keep control informed.


Re: A Special Invitation

Hi Colin! I think you mean people kind and tolerant enough to put up with me! It wouldn't be a reroute, FWA or CWA, it would be a route from a different start! Not that I've actually submitted it. Yet. It is attached, with admin form, to an email sitting in my drafts folder. Waiting. Patiently. Unlike me!!
Louise x

Re: A Special Invitation

I'll be there,thanks for the invite.I prefer red, any cheese except goat.

Re: A Special Invitation

M'lords, kind sirs - may I be so bold as to point out that venue 1 might be a trifle difficult for the staff, getting up Creag Meagaidh with laden platters and lashings of ginger beer, but venue 2 is practically on our doorstep. Thank you kindly.

Murchie's of Kingussie are fine purveyors of comestibles to the gentry...

Re: A Special Invitation

typical last year I hadn't even heard of the C&W party but was actually only 2 days late (or was it 3) for the gathering on Rannoch moor. now this year I want to do a more northerly route so will miss it again though hopefully will bukp into some challengers in my first week unlike last year - that is unless everyone heads south for C&W.

Re: A Special Invitation

Firstly, what the h*ll is an Avatar? To post a reply you are supposed to type in your Avatar. Is this a new piece of kit? Paramo perhaps?

As a challenge virgin I was looking forward to losing my innocence with these three old dogs (or is it 2 old dogs and a cat?) following a nice bit of cheese and a titanium mug full of wine. Sadly for me my emerging route does not appear to allow me to attend, although with luck (quite a lot of which will be needed, I suspect) I hope to be in Braemar on Saturday. Which Saturday I am not quite certain, but "there you go" as shop assistants say when they give you your change.

Therefore, my apologies but thanks for the kind invitation.

David (aka@FellBound) Williams
Signing out point Mallaig

Re: A Special Invitation

Avatar URLs ain't a required feature (as I assume you;ve discovered, having been able to post!).

Avatars are the little pictures that some folk have under their names but you don't have to have one to post. Just leave that field blank.