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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

Woke me about 4:30am & kept me awake for at least an hour circling just now before finally trundling off elsewhere!

Any ideas why

Town: Ashton

Re: Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

No idea Laura - but I do know where it "trundled off" to after leaving your area... Woke me up around 5.15am and was still circling overhead at 6am. Incidentally it was also over my house late yesterday afternoon, taking turns with a small but noisy aeroplane that kept criss-crossing the same bit of sky to make sitting out in my garden a pretty miserable experience. Oh yeah -and, contrary to the forecast, the sun didn't shine. Grrr....

Town: Ashton

Re: Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

There were a lot of police on foot searching back gardens of streets all down Wotton Drive estate with torches at about 4.30am. They were stop-searching people leaving the estate as late as 7:00am but were gone by 9:00am..still no idea who they were looking for!

Town: Ashton

Re: Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

I was woken too. I took the dog for a walk to have a nosey I went all the way down the field to bottom of Lincoln Drive. Then past Old Georges but seen nothing at around 5am. So I have no idea what happened but it kept me and the kids and most other people I know awake for ages.

Town: Ashton

Re: Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

Someone spotted four men getting out of a car on Manor park estate about 3.30am, they were wearing balaclavas and had burglary tools. The householder rang the Police who came with cars, helicopter, dogs etc.
Three of the men were caught on the estate hiding in various places, the other one got away.

Town: Ashton

Re: Helicopter circling Thompson Street/Belvedere Road

We got back from hols at about 1am that morning and went to bed about 2am. Only found out at lunch time Thursday from a neighbour that the police helicopter was hovering directly over our house - one of the would-be burglars was dragged out from under a car in Wotton, another was hiding in next-door-but-one's shed, and the last was cowering between a bush and our van in our driveway until the police hauled him out. So all this went on a few feet from where we slept, blissfully unaware! We must've thought we were still on the plane........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Town: AinM