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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Green parrot in Jubilee Park / Mucklow Estate

For the past few years now we have seen and heard a green parrot (or macaw) in the vicinity of Jubilee Park and the Mucklow Estate. We saw it again last week on the park and it has survived the snow and ice and is looking very healthy. Does anybody know if this is an escaped parrot? or has anyone else seen it? Does anybody feed it? I am amazed it has survived for so long in the wild!!

Town: ashton

Re: Green parrot in Jubilee Park / Mucklow Estate

Hi Karin

I have heard it when I have been on the field (King Georges, behind Mucklows) it makes such a wierd noise, I wonder where it comes from? You would have thought that the bigger birds would have had it by now!

Town: Ashton

Re: Green parrot in Jubilee Park / Mucklow Estate

I live just by the park and for months now we have seen and heard the parrott. I have to agree very pleasing to see its survived the winter. Re your comment about other birds attacking it it's more the other way this bird is more than a match for the crows etc that try to attack it.

Town: AIM

Re: Green parrot in Jubilee Park / Mucklow Estate

It spent the cold weather in my outside toilet, perched up top of the cistern, and tapping on my kitchen window for food every couple of days. It's quite friendly once it works out you don't want to grab hold of it and just leave food out nearby.

It's partial to those fat and seed balls for wild birds, and a few peanuts go down well too.

Town: Ashton

Re: Green parrot in Jubilee Park / Mucklow Estate

I know it's an old thread but I've just seen it today in Jubilee Park. And I hear it calling regularly.

Town: ashton in makerfield