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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Re: Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate -

I have replied to your queries recently and if there are any issues you would like to discuss with me please contact me on 736216 or by e-mail.

Nigel Ash


Re: Re: Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate -

Sorry Nigal . I have definitley NOT recieve any form of reply . Maybe it as been lost in hot air !. I would appreciate a copy of the reply


Re: Re: Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate -

Dear Mr.Hughes

I have just sent you the reply you asked for. If you don't receive it please contact me.

Nigel Ash

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate -

Thanks Nigal recieved mail today .


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

ian please call me on 515808
thanks julian

or visit


Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

ian ignore that last post by me

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

ian please call me on 515808
thanks julian

or visit


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I was talking to a friend of mine today that lives on the south coast of England. I was telling her about our only local nature reserve ( the 3 sisters) and its history. She was amazed to hear that it was near an industrial site and disgusted to hear that the industrial site was to be extended.

Our ONLY local nature reserve is proposed to be surrounded by un-necessary , profit making , ugly concrete industrial ware-houses.

This is just a money making scheme from a non-local , that does not care one toss about the quality of life among the residents of Ashton .


ps I apologise if I upset Alan in anyway


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi Andrede
Thanks , but you in no way upset me.
Unfortunately as this extension is part of th unitary development plan, if it is rejected by council, an appeal will be successfull.
I am sure the way forward is to unite for the least damage both to the three sisters and against further traffic in Ashton by a four way link at the M6 and a through road from Stubshaw Cross.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

>>Unfortunately as this extension is part of the unitary development plan, if it is rejected by council, an appeal will be successfull.

>>I am sure the way forward is to unite for the least damage both to the three sisters and against further traffic in Ashton by a four way link at the M6 and a through road from Stubshaw Cross.

I think this sums it up exactly.

- David -

Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

hi david i take it you dont live in stubshaw cross


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

No, but I think the strongest argument against this development is the potential increase in traffic on Bryn Road and Bolton Road.

- David -

Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I'll go with that.


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Have you see the plans?

The road is not just a normal two lane one like
Bolton road or Bryn road.....

The opening is huge spanning nearly all the length
of the housing estate.

That would completely change the lives of those
living there, not just the view
but the traffic noise would be for a full 24hrs aday.


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Is there another town in the country that has the same main road system it had in the nineteenth century?
This may seem an exageration, but is it? All new roads that have been built have been for housing or commercial reasons, and feed this nineteenth century structure!
I don't care if you are Labour, CAP Independant or Raving Loony Party.
And with all the new housing we certainly contribute for the flagship projects, whilst being thrown crumbs of a few hanging baskets and.............not much else really.
So now is the time to sort it out before any extra burden on our infrastructure.
Who knows I may even stand as THE ASHTON INDEPENCE candidate in the next local election if you don't SORT IT OUT and we are all so fed up, who knows the result!!!!




Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hello Alan,
who are you adressing with your last comment. I am not a representative of any party.
I am a resident of Stubshaw Cross who does not want the area (Ashton included of course) to be ruined by overdevelopment.

Building the expansion just creates more traffic.

Building more houses creates more traffic.

Buiding nore and more roads cannot be the way out of the problem of over crowding.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi Ian,
I think there is sometimes a problem with this site when replying, depending on how you view the forum.

Do you have thread or board view?

Anyway my comments were 50% to the powers that be and 50% through frustration.



Missing message

There did seem to be a problem with the message you entered on June 22nd at 03.56. I normally receive a copy of any entry on the board, but in this case it didn't turn up for over 24 hours. It was displaying OK in threaded style when I quoted from it, but was missing in board style for a couple of days. It seems to be in its right place now.

- David -

Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi All
Why do I keep thinking of Paul Daniels in relation to the extension of the South Lancs Industrial Estate? There seems to be some slight of hand.
The justification is that it was laid out and approved in The Unitary Development Plan. They like to imply that it was widely publised.
When in reality few of the people who will be affected by this extension were aware of the existance of the plan.
Does that mean our ignorance is going to allow this to blight on our lives?
The only valid objection in the plan is excessive new traffic in Ashton Town centre. So residents of Golborne, Bolton, Bryn,Bryn Road South, Wigan, Liverpool and Warrington, Roads are of no importance.
What do you think, was the unitary development plan both flawed and undemocratic?
This came to mind as i typed my objection to this plan.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I think there are more valid points here , but whether the " powers that be " will consider them is a different matter.

Traffic is a major point, pollution, building over green land, wildlife, noise pollution etc

I think a major point is that the people just dont want it . We are surrounded by Industrial estates.

The proposed Ind Estate will be 0.2 miles from the lake at the Three Sisters .... our nature reserve!!!!!

Anybody got Bill Oddies number?



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

as it happens I do


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I would like to say as Chairman of M . A . D. many thanks to every1 that turned out in Ashton to Support us even the laziest man in ashton turned out YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. :-) so far fantastic response from the public.

And yet again im sat infront of this bloody screen at stupid hours.


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

If only I could just get one decent nights kip, and dream of the days when I played over the 3 sisters as a kid.

< listens to Pave Paradise and Put up a Parking Lott>

Andrede ( in tears)


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

A public meeting has been arranged for the public to express their views and find out more information about the proposed 40 acre Industrial Estate to be built on green land in your area.

Please come along to:

Stubshaw Cross Labour Club

Thursday 29th June , 7.00-8.00 pm.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I would like to iterate what was said at the Public Meeting last thursday:

M.A.D. has no affilliation with any political party , but we will be seeking support, guidance and any help from all local Councillors.

The ward councillors for Ashton are Ash , Carney and Tushingham.

The ward councillors for Bryn are Hodgkinson , Merry and Wilkes.

M.A.D. will be seeking support from all.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

For confusions sake , I am not the David that owns this site.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Close access to the M6, M62, M56, M57, A508 trunk road and at the junction of the A49 and A58.
Within half an hours drive of two international airports and within two miles of the main west coast rail line also frequent train services to Manchester and Liverpool.
Close to five Premiership football teams, three Super League teams, County Cricket team and one of the countries leading race courses.
Within forty five minutes of more professional theatre companies than the West End, two internationally renowned Symphony orchestra’s and many stately homes
Within easy drive of the Lake District, The Yorkshire Moors, The Welsh Coast and world famous Fylde Coast.
Close to two international four star hotels and numerous B&B.
A good supply of reasonable priced modern housing.
Within commuting distance of four universities including the world famous UMIST.
A local modern hospital plus numerous specialist hospitals.
An adaptable workforce.

The above is how I would sell Ashton in Makerfield, yes, and it is true! We are fortunate, but one fact is missing. Apart from the M6 with limited access we are stuck with a nineteenth century local road system, in the twenty first century. A road system designed for the horse and cart, a road system that was then supplemented by many local rail systems for freight and passenger transport. A town that for the above reasons has seen housing increase at least four fold, with the subsequent increase in money paid in community charge, yet the only capital project is Ashton Leisure Centre!!
Ashton in Makerfield retains its’ unique identity, despite the various amalgamations of local councils.

We have absorbed people from many areas of the UK and recently further afield, all have integrated into our friendly community.


Sorry Dave I forgot Ashton Heath, an example of our towns community spirit.


Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

I haven't read much into this development project but from there a couple of things which I have picked up on.

First of all, Bolton Road on a weekday from about 8:30 - 9:30 and 16:30 - 18:00 has huge traffic problems. And as far as I can remember this wasn't as bad until the council introduced the traffic lights outside the Co-Op (formerly WineGro)on Bolton Road. So with the current level of traffic, and poor transport links, Bolton Road and Ashton are a nightmare during the times in which I mentioned.

Secondly, if this development goes ahead, no doubt hundreds of extra HGV class vehicals will be added to the daily congestion, and if this place is to create as many jobs as it claims to, this will increase the amounts of traffic even more.

If the government did there job for a change insted of making up stupid laws like smaller children have to have a booster seat until 12. We would find this development not happening due to the extreme increase in pollution it would cause, seeing as HGV vehicals aren't exactly the most environmentaly friendly form of transport.If members of the council actualy lived in the areas in which would be affected visualy, such as Riding Lane, were my Nan lives I'm sure we would of seen a better responce to our protest.



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

The traffic certainly is the main worry for the people I have spoken to over the last few weeks and for the people of Riding Lane esate things would change drastically. This development is an insult to these people.

What right has anyone to come in and destroy their environment, the whole look and feel of their surrondings.

One big question for me , I have to say again is why do they have build it at all when there are 191 units lying empty in the Wigan area, with a total of over 1.2 milion sq.ft of floor space available ?

See the website
Look for Empty units in Wigan for the details.



Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

As someone who`s house is directly facing this proposed monstrosity I have more to lose than most people and i joined M.A.D at the start.
I will fight this battle to the death....mine or it!
There are several issues arrising from this proposal and while Road Congestion is quite rightly the main issue I have taken up the environmental one because for one my view of the countryside will be taken away from me but also the ecology of the area will be destroyed.... including three ponds that have existed for well over one hundred years and may still support protected species .and near to ONE THOUSAND trees will be destroyed in the process(most of those trees on the site of the old reservoir)Thank you to anyone supporting us in whatever way you can and you can meet me at Ashton town centre on Saturday mornings 11 till 2 to learn more .....Ray


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

There's only so much influence you can wield with a pie.

Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Aye lad, but a stale pie can ger as ard as a if tha aims it reet tha con do a lorr of damage


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi Ray
Wiganers don't leave Pies long enough to go stale!!!
At least if they are real Wigan Pies!!

Pies should always start with a capital letter!!


Re: Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hey Alan, Your worse than my wife......She always kills my jokes as well!!!

Anyway, I`m not really a Wiganer,....I`m a Stubshier born and bred......A cut above your ordinary Wiganer...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Ray
Wiganers don't leave Pies long enough to go stale!!!
At least if they are real Wigan Pies!!

Pies should always start with a capital letter!!


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi Ray
Please accept my most sincere appologies, I must have the same trouble as your wife....................
we don't realise you are cracking jokes.


PS I promise not to continue this if you do. After all this extension is no laughing matter.


Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Can everyone who reads this please ask their neighbours for their comment forms. Collect as many as you can and give one of us a ring and we will pick them up.

Contact details at



Re: Extension to Industrial Estate

Hi All
The planning department along with other departments have invested much time into th Unitary Development Plan. Part of that plan is the extension to The South Lancs Industrial Estate.
They must seem to be even handed and to explore all objections, it seems to this end they are currently doing a remote traffic census on Bolton Road, 30 meters approx south of Bryn Road South.
No doubt in the course of time, we will be informed that the traffic is no heavier than comparable roads.
This will be backed up by this census.


The census was started on Tuesday 19 July, anyone will realise today, that this is the start of the school holidays plus many people were on holiday, also many motorist are stll avoiding Ashton after the recent "nightmare" of the traffic lights in Bolton Road.
In the course of time when these figures are given this will not be at the top of peoples mind.
We must not forget we are dealing with people who are experts in manipulating information to get the results they want.
