The new MDLMatX is a different beast to previous versions. One inportant thing to note is that it is for FSX Format mdls only. That is models compiled with the FSX sdk. Many models you find will actually be FS9 format even if they are "fsx compatible". These will require the older MDLMat
With previous versions I basically "hacked and guessed" to work out how the materials were stored in the mdl file. With the FSX version I was fortunate in that others had already worked out most of the internal structures and made the info available on the wiki at This would actually be a good place to start looking for info. The forums and wiki are full of the most knowledgeable FSX developers and they will probably have the answers to your questions
I actually know very little about modelling. I`m just a programmer who occasionally gets requests for strange tools.
On the texture question. While it should be possible to add a texture link it is a bit more complicated with the old-format models. These have a seperate texture list and material list for each lod while the FSX models use single global texture and material lists that is used by all lods. To be honest I probably won`t get around to reworking the code. As new projects come along older ones tend to get filed away as "final" and very rarely get updated.
Martin, thank you for your very fast respons.
My thinking that you as creator (programmer) of these marvelous tools are more an insider and have the knowledge to the questions i'm struggling with.
I already tried to find the answer on Wiki/FSdeveloper
Thank you for the inside view of developing your tools. I sincerely hope you will find the time and the will for many years to come.
A countless amount of flightsim enthusiasts are relying and using your extraordinary tools.