Definitely wierd.... never seen this before. Usually the problem is with DXTBmp failing to open at all (corrupted temp files) rather than crashing during a particular function
Can you try opening a file by the drag and drop method (drag the file from windows explorer and drop it onto the DXTBmp window). If it does load ok then try saving it
You could also try opening a file using the "Browse Images" function. This bypasses the usual Open dialog
DXTBmp uses a standard windows "file selector" dialog for both Open and Save functions. If you get a crash with both then Windows itself may be having problems
Hi, Martin,
Thanks for your reply and insight; I did reinstall the program after cleaning out (deleting) the applicable data in the registry, and now it will open a file, but freezes when I try to open another file after clicking my way up the folder tree to "my computer" to access another hard drive. The Windows task manager indicates the program is "waiting for a response (input) from me, but everything stops working after I click on "my computer" in the dialog box. Odd . . . by the way, this is a really terrific program; your work is much appreciated.
Really it sounds like a windows problem. Once you start browsing you are effectively within a standard windows module so any errors that occur are happening outside of DXTBmp.
Don`t really know what to recommend. If drag and drop works then you may need to use that to load files
Thanks for considering this issue; I haven't encountered any problems, similar or otherwise, with Windows, so I'm still at a loss. DXTbmp seems to work fine in all regards save for navigating beyond the "My Computer" part of the directory tree, so, alas, it still has plenty of usefulness. I'll keep working on this and if I discover anything of consequence, I'll let you know. Thanks again for your insight.
John R. Brooker
Edmonds, WA
I've changed the compatibility mode to Windows NT (there's not a Windows XP option from what I can see) and now the navigation capabilities seemed to have returned, so maybe that's all there is to it(!?).
Thanks again,
John R. Brooker
Edmonds, WA
That is strange. Are you running XP? I assume its not Vista as that would have an XP compatibility option. XP doesn`t for the obvious reason that it already runs in XP-compatible mode
But it does look like some little glitch in windows that gets got-around if you run it in NT-compat mode. Certainly I have never seen this happen before and I run it here on XP Home, XP Pro and Vista without any problems and without having to use the compatibility settings