Firstly, thanks for the great programs, DTXbmp and Convimx! Unfortunately I need some advice.
I am an aircraft painter using FS Repaint V2 from Abacus publishing. Infortunately (I think) I need to convert the Posky files (which are very large) to another format so I can paint them. My efforts have thus far resulted in some sections of the 777-ER having blurry textures.
I understand that with one or the other of your programs mentioned above, I can convert their files into something I can work with.
My problem is that I don't know what format they're in , and what I need to convert them into and if (then) I'll need to convert them back.
Could you give me a few hints or direct me to a tutorial so I can be successful.
PS Please enjoy my two sites, mentioned above!
Thank you, Steve Korin
Dix Hills, Long Island, NY
I don`t know what format the original posky files are in but loading them into DXTBmp will tell you.
DXTBmp will also let you save a copy of the texture in a format fsrepaint can handle. Again I don`t know what this program can take but it should be able to read 32 bit. I thought fsrepaint worked directly on the model in FS and so should really be able to handle all the FS formats. If it is working but you don`t like the results load the finished texture into DXTBmp and then save it out in 32 bit without mipmaps.
This should reduce the blurries.