ok what im doing is editing the txt file for the helmets on our helos and im trying to get it so that the top of the helmet looks like ^ but with a line running down the middle. all i can get is this.
Re: i cant seem to draw strait lines on the helmets
This looks like a mapping problem
What you can repaint and how you need to repaint it depends on how the original modeller mapped that texture onto the model. If they have taken a small section of the texture and stretched it all over a particular part then you need to work out how it was stretched and may need to distort your painting to fit.
The only way to do this is to paint the section of the texture you think is mapped to this part in an easily viewable (on the model) pattern and see how it appears on the model. Foe example paint it as a small checkerboard of different coloured squuares and see how these squares appear on the model
Sadly the answer may be that the modeller has stretched it (or tiled it repeatedly) so much that only single colours can effectively be used for the helmet part of the model.
Only the original modeller can change the texture mapping of a model as it needs to be done in the original source files