I assume that the main image is not 512x512.
Normally there is only a resizing to "power of 2" if the output is DXT (which has to be a valid power of 2 size) but that should resize both the alpha and the main image
What I would suggest is saving a copy as Targa after doing your alpha channel edits. At a later stage reload this targa and see what the alpha channel looks like. If it still looks ok but when you export the Ace version the alpha gets distorted again then it would seem that MakeAce is having a problem
Another option would be to create the alpha template again. This will mean repainting the transparencies but it might sort out any sizing glitches
Thanks for the reply.
The main image is 512x512, and the alpha channel is also 512x512.
Since I posted this, I found out that Paint.NET does not handle alpha channels per se. I did a save to Targa, but when I open it in Paint.NET, there is only one layer and the black areas that are in the alpha channel makes the main image transparent in those areas.
In TGATools, I reset the editor to MSPaint and edited the alpha channel in that and this seems to work.
I have no idea why I can't edit that in Paint.NET. Does that bmp that goes to the editor from TGATools have some special format that Paint.NET does not support?
Well, at least I have a work-around, and I don't think I will have to edit many alpha channels, so I shouldn't have to switch editors very often.
BTW, I did try to create the alpha template again and Paint.NET did the same thing to it. So it seems to be an incompatibility of some sort between TGATool2 and Paint.NET.
I haven`t tried Paint.NET but there are a (very) few programs that insist on changing the format of the image when you do a save.
I have Paint.NET on one of my systems and have just tried it with TgaTool. For its own wierd reasons Paint.NET insists on saving all BMP images in 32 bit format. This is no good for tgatool as the data it passes over is 24 bit for the main image or 8 bit greyscale for the alpha and this is what it expects to get back after edits. This means that when you edit either part it will seem to be displaying in Tgatool2 ok (because this uses a simple BmpLoad to display) but when saving or exporting it will read the data wrong and create a distorted combined image.
I have Paint.NET 2.1 (Beta) and it doesn`t seem to have any settings to change the way it saves. And although it does seem to have support for layers and alpha channels it doesn`t have direct support for Targa. Shame really as it is quite a nice paint program (and free)