Sonamabitch -- Seasonal Lat North 32
--Seasonal Lat South 32
Both contained in CFG root Directory
Fitting air fields or add scenery ,,coast lines,,
when drawn out of Lat boundries may not respond at
different altitudes ,,the same way,, causeing
display annomalies ,,Eg Malta at 35' degrees,,
The Thames river 51' Lat degrees ,, River Rhine,,
all out of the boundary limits ,,,
That,s why when you back out and up via key board
you get a switch on Map display of 180' degrees ,,
The question is at what Alt does this come into
play at ,?? Is it confusing the display map at Alt ??
and causing the rewrite to textures to flip it write
side up when your closer in range ??
Changing to
-- Seasonal Lat North 58
--Seasonal Lat South 06
Still gives 64'degress and now the map no longer swings
180 on back out ----- Ta Dahh ---
----Certainly had to re-adjust Pen-32 airfield infoe input for
Duxford and Kenly after changing the Lat Numbers ,,,,
-- For the deployment of GsL to Duxford--
--This was the annomally Martin Wright ran into as to his
comments about the Grenich East to West Merridian Line of
Zero Degrees ,,, The Top down airfield Switch of 180 degrees
plays havoc with location of textures from East to West ,,
Because the sim is confused in mission builder ,,
------ swapping East to West and vise versa ,,,,
The same thing has to happen when you fly over the area ,,,
and was most pronounced in 2 locations the Rhine River- Rumpys
and Gary and Giorgio Thames River ,,,
The closer you got to the reversed texture ,, would make the sim
redraw the texture in the correct alignment causeing a Texure pop out,,,
We have to remember that all tiles are corner blended so observing
the difference is not readily apparant,,, and the Pop out everyone
assumed was just redrawing the texture in better detail;;,,,
For Years now I have suspected a FPS drain on the Euroe
drawn textures ,,, The Sim was just more efficient in the Pacfic
Theater of Opps ,,and I could never put my fingers on Why ,,,,
The Cpu was not involved with flipping reversed textures because they
were in side the Lat boundaries ,,,, and don,t forget that the Pacfic
had coast lines drawn too ,,,which should have meant the Flat Euroe
Textures should have been even smoother in redition than they were,,,
The proof is in the pudding ,,,
I used my shop Comp---333 PIII Ati + Voodoo 16 bit card
and just completed a flawless journey around Giorgo,s Malta
and Brunoski,s First Malta Up grade ,,, Minus GSL ,,,
and pulled a Frame rate of 22 FPS in the south to over 40 on the North
side Island ,,using Mz-Fw190A ,,