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I am looking for a prop and the bottom cowling for my wg4.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Call or text 217-369-2951
Here's the Parts manual: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6wRLMxPeVaiNDBhYjg1MWMtZjdhMi00MGE1LWFmY2UtNGY0MzYxMDhmYmU3/view?usp=sharing Here's the parts cross reference to get the newer mercury part number. Take the Wizard part number, substitute an "M" for the "W" and find the new number next to the old. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6wRLMxPeVaiOWIxNDRkZWItOWRjMC00YTJhLTg3YWQtNDU3OWY2ZjRjZjlh/view?usp=sharing
The Mercury prop number is 48-24448. It is a two blade 7-5/8 X 7 propeller