I have a 1946 or 1947 wizard wd3s, and I am confused on the original color. Someone painted it green, horribly, and red paint is underneath the green, but silver is underneath the red. What would be the original color, the silver or the red?
Actually, it's a goldish color. Here is a link to another post on this site that will give you an idea. http://pub9.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=737212788&frmid=52&msgid=791967&cmd=show
This is the cowling off my WD4S. It's pretty much what the WD3S color looks like. Gold with just a hint of copper color. They changed the color slightly with every new batch of paint, so don't beat yourself up if you get it close. Most paint jobs look too brassy to me but that's about all the color you can get now. my WD3 is the same motor without the recoil starter.
Brownish gold WD3?