Clayton; I would worry more about the ignition coils,. condensors, fuel pump diaphragm FIRST before I would worry about spark plugs, compression, (Just pull it over), should be strong & even on both cylinders. Clean out carbureator as you have to have great spark, fuel & compression & it will usually run.
Basic information is listed for your motor in data section of this site.
What it will take to reviving an old outboard depends largely on prior use and care.
although there are some items that deteriorate due to age.
Start by giving motor a cleanup with a mild detergent and gentle scrubbing.
Be careful not to damage decals or fade paint.
It would be helpful to know your mechanical background before making suggestions
as to what and how to evaluate condition of motor.
Do not buy any parts until you know a favorable outcome is possible.
Good Luck
Wizard WF7 is based on Mercury KE7/KF7 Similar,but,not exactly the same.
Mercury version used Bendix magneto. Bendix coils no longer being made & vendor retired.
Your Wizard may have a Repco/Phelon magneto. Also out of production
You may still be able to find after market coils for them
If not, relatively inexpensive and available OMC coils can be adapted