i have been having a hard time finding a impeller for my WF-4, my question is outside of the one guy on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/132181991135 that i found is there anyone else who makes them or is this person the only one who dose? and if so is the part good?
or is there a alternate part that could be made to fit? i tried to get a 382221 OMC impeller but no one here localy stocks them and i wanted to see it in person before i bought it as i wanted to be sure it could fit? is there perhaps a more modern Merc impeller that could be made to work for it,
hey thanks ill email him here, i just got told by the local merc dealer that John Macintosh still sells parts so i talked to him and he thinks he might have one how ever, ill pop him a email just in case.
hey thanks i think i might have him make me a spare as i did end up making one from the OMC one, just wanted to get this engine going before i pored to much money into it, but so far it runs good just needs a darn tune or a carb cleaning.