I'm located in Florida and would be interested in acquiring a 1959 7.5 or 10hp Wizard built by McCulloch. Email address is gteate@embarqmail.com motor does not have to be running, just complete and restorable.
Thanks in Advance
Gary T
Thanks for posting the Model #s Brian. I'm surprised that no one has asked why I would want such a lemon motor. I actually had one when I was a 10 year old kid. It was a 7.5 hp given to me by a neighbor who operated a fish camp on the river I grew up on. The water was brackish and the old motor never left the boat it was on or received a fresh water flush. I got it when it was about 3 years old and even though it took a beating, it proved itself over and over again and only quit one time when after constant exposure to salt ate up the sealing surfaces between the block and cylinder head and it finally blew a head gasket. That old motor sure grew on me though and after having the head shaved and installing two head gaskets, the old Wizard lasted me into my teenage years and we caught a lot of fish together...but I always wanted the 10hp and somewhere along my boyhood journey, I had run across a color page advertisement of the '59 Wizards showing the 7.5 and 10hp motors in their tourquuise trimmed engine covers and twist grips and me wondering how much faster I could run the river if I had that 10hp and how clean and well maintained I would have kept it if I could have purchased a brand new one!