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New page on Wizard Site

Hello fellow Wizardmanics,

I have created a new page on this Wizard Site with the help of Louis. It is called How To's and it features reassembly of the saddle clamp on to early 3-5hp Wizard motors.

Help this info helps,
Jason Baxter
Wizard Outboard Site Moderator

Re: New page on Wizard Site

I will be sending Jason a few more "How I did its" to consider for posting
Getting started with the early K Models without a mechanical background or
repair manual specific to them was not easy. A lot of trial and error...more
than a few parts destroyed due to poor judgement or haste.
For those who are going to work on their own early K Models maybe I can pass
along not only what I learned but also the suggestions of the many kind and generous members of the hobby.
Please take the time to comment or make suggestions to guide both Jason and
Thank You Jason

Re: New page on Wizard Site

The K2 story has been updated

Re: New page on Wizard Site

Fúck you.

Re: New page on Wizard Site

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