I have a 1972 6hp wizard outboard. I am very new to outboard motors and need some help. Let me apologize in advance if I don't make sense.
Here is my problem. Once I get the motor started. It idles down really low and almost dies. On the right side of the "choke hole" there is a smaller hole and when I cover it up with my finger everything runs perfectly. But the second I uncover it it goes back to low idle and basically dies. What is my problem?
Problem description is a little unclear. Give model number from id plate
and it might help to know if it is air cooled (Eska) or water cooled (Chrysler)
Is it possible something is missing such as a plug to seal opening.
It is water cooled. Model number COC-6606A07. I'm pretty sure nothing is missing. Any help would be much appreciated. I can cover the little hole and it works great. I am just afraid to do it 100% of the time and really screw something up cause I'm sure the hole serves a purpose.... I just don't know what it is.
1966 versions of Chrysler 6 hp model 6601,6602 and 6603 and 1967 6701, 6702
have Tillotson MT-91B carburetor. Is that what you have? This is a fuel pump
carburetor. Fuel ratio 24 gas to 1 oil.
If your Chrysler/West Bend made Wizard has Tillotson model MT 91B carburetor
I can scan and email to you. Posting would be better I know but we can only
do that which we can do.