Having a WD-4S delivered in a bit and I'm looking for a picture of the front carburetor cowl. Specifically, I'm wondering if there is a tag on the front, what does it look like? I have a front cowl off of a Mercury KD-4 series and of course it has a metal tag that says Mercury.
Cowls will interchange.
1)decal stripes with "K"/decal strips with "W"
2)Mercury or Wizard tag
3)Wizard cowl are a golden hue while Mercurys are dull aluminum.
Original color of cowl,decals and tags hard to pin down due to fading.
Tags same except Mercury or Wizard lettering and possibly background color. Wizard cowls appear to have a dull aluminum under coat.
Decal "wing" stripes appear to be same basic design with K (yellow) or W (red) element
As always the best complete examples are worth a premium.
The Wizard nameplate is aluminum and is riveted on.
Here are pictures of the carburetor cowling from my unrestored WD-4S motor.
I hope this helps.
Thanks guys for the replies. This is all going to be very helpful. It looks like the background color on the label is sort of a weird green to match the color in the decals? Is that correct?
The green in the tag is a bit lighter than the green in the decals. The nearest I can describe it to, is the lightest green you would see in old military paint... Almost a lime color that is flat. I've been around the house comparing it to the colors of labels on common products, but haven't found a match yet.
In the decals, the red is a cherry red the yellow is a brownish yellow and the green is your basic mid range Christmas green. The outer edge appears to be a brownish gold.
Thanks Bryan. That is a great help. As I indicated, my cowls are Mercury so when I get to that point I'll have to see if I can recreate my own Wizard version.
I got it in pieces in boxes. The former owner took it apart to restore it and never did anything else. I got it through Ebay and UPS broke a fin from the exhaust housing in shipping. There is some rust in the cylinders and I haven't been able to restore it myself yet. I have since found another exhaust housing and it awaits assembly.
The rest of the paint is pretty good to have never been restored. Some parts look a bit worn, but over all, Pretty good. I have all the paperwork for the motor and have scanned most of it in the post about scans of wizard literature to share with others. I wish others would share what they have.
I just happened to be looking at that literature last night. Thank you very much for posting it. One thing that I noticed and was wondering about is the last page stating that a Scintilla magneto is installed on this motor instead of the Eisemann magneto that's listed in the manual. According to the literature I've looked at, the Merc version came with the Eisemann mag. You have any idea what this is about? Which version is on your motor? I believe mine has the Eisemann mag but since it's hard to see underneath, I can't see a model number.
my wd-4s has the Scintilla magneto as everything down to the business card came with the motor. I have other stuff that the guy sent later but I never got around to scanning it in and it is nothing necessary.
Sorry I never answered this old post until now.
To list pictures, They have to exist on the web. I upload my pictures to photobucket or some other picture hosting site. I then link them by using BB code with the URL of the picture in the code.
To do a picture I type or copy and paste the web address of the picture I want to use.
The letters img with with [ ] around it goes before it.
The letters /img with [ ] around it goes after it.
So we get img http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll272/clockguy2/DSC08008_zpse9866732.jpg /img
to make it work I have to put [ ] around the beginning and end of the "img" and "/img"
the results are this
The rub is, once you upload pictures to a hosting site you should never take them down or delete them or the post that you used them on will be useless to someone searching for info later on.
Hope this helps.
there are other commands besides " img " for pictures. You can use " url " to have a hot link to a post where you can click on the link and it takes you there.
Look up up BB code or bulletin board code to learn other neat tricks.