I know absolutely NOTHING about boat motors....I came accross a Wizard 25hp cleaning out an old lady's crawlspace and with the little research I've done I feel like it's a 1956-57 but not sure. She wanted us to trash everything we found so I figured I would take it to scrap it because it seems to be made of mostly aluminum. From what it looks like I feel like everything is intact and is actually in decent condition. It was stored in a large hickory chest so I believe that is why it has been well preserved? Anyways I have decided to see if it has any worth and I would hate to scrap something classic if it happens to be...So please give me your opinions on what I should do with it......Scrap or Sell?? I can get #'s and any other information needed if it may help. Thanks for your time! BTW I am pretty sure it does not run though you never know!
That is the biggest of the Mercury-made Wizards, and it is based on Mercury's Mark 30 outboard. It would be a shame to scrap it, as I am sure you will be able to find a buyer for it. I would strongly suggest putting a free "For Sale" ad on the AOMCI.org free classifieds link. Mark my words, you'll get offers. Hopefully you can find someone local, but if you are willing to ship it via freight at the buyer's expense, you will open the sale up to a whole bunch of guys.
Please try to sell it first. That was one heck of a motor in its day, and someone out there will bring it back to life.
Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it, along with all the emails I have recieved due to this site. Ok, so what I have is a Wizard Super Power 25hp Electric Start (4 cylinder). The model # is WA-25E and serial # is 1019365 (is this a '57?). So far my brother and I have got it to change gears with ease and propeller to spin like a top. We know the entire lower unit is free turning. That is as far as we have gotten so far so don't count the rest of the motor out! (We feel like all parts are included and will gladly send pics to anyone that feels they could verify this for me.) I encourage more post about this motor and am so glad I did not scrap it! I look forward to finding an owner that will get this antique running like new! I plan to post it on the site you provided as soon as I get a little bit more info. (P.S. Located in Nashville, TN)
Yes, that is indeed a 1957. The "E" in the model number means that it was originally equipped for electric start. If that is intact, another good thing. Parts for the motor are easy enough to come by. There's a chance that the ignition coils are shot if it has been sitting that long, so it may not start now if you tried. Continuity tests will be needed to check. Even if the coils are okay, the points may need a good cleaning. If all else is good, the ignition will probably be the biggest expense to bringing it back to life. The carburetors will likely need a good cleaning, and the water pump impeller should be changed out.
Like I mentioned before, it is based on Mercury's Mark 30 outboard, and here is a good resource for parts:
If you at all have an interest in learning about old motors, you have potentially a fine one in your possession. If you get it running and put it on a 25HP-rated jon boat, you'll leave others in your wake.
Usually Kiekhaefer made Wizards based upon an existing
Mercury model...not so WA25. Western Auto requested Kiekhaefer to make a four cylinder outboard smaller than the Mercury Mark 55. Chris Scratch wrote a well
researched article about this for Antique Outboarder magazine a few issues back. Mercury dealers discovered" they had a "need" between largest twin and Mark 55 so Kiekhaefer created Mark 30.
Mercury dealers were unhappy about "unfair" competition from the "value priced" Wizards
and were even less pleased to get their small four
after it was available to Western Auto.
My understanding is that Mark 30 is a strong powerhead mated to an adequate lower unit. I suspect
the slightly lower powered WA25 might have been a better combination in that regard. Those who have either one in good running condition have much to be
pleased with. Ignition parts cap,cover,rotor are
expensive NOS/NLA so used magneto from a junker
about only reasonable source.