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Western Auto Supply ID

I have a Western Auto Supply outboard that has a gas tank mounted on top. Olive drab with Western in red. Says super twin on side. The only nmbers I see are on the carb (AJ8B), hand grip (MB2863, side of engine (MD4131)and the bottom of the enigne (MB4000). Can you help me identify this and let me know what I got? As with a lot of guys, this was my grandfathers.

Thanks a lot,


Re: Western Auto Supply ID

Kiekhaefer made Wizard with Tillotson AJ8 carburetor.
Likely a WG4 or WF4 model made in late 1940's early
1950's. Look on this site's pictures section and data section to pin down exact model.
Kiekhaefer was company that made Mercurys as well
as name of founder/owner/boss.
Early Wizards thru WD3(S) & WD4(S) same as current year's Mercury (S means recoil starter equipped)
others had rope plate. WF4 and later Wizards made
by Kiekhaefer were made differently than Mercurys.
Parts are available either new or used BUT these
outboards are prone to wear and rust of crankshaft
so roll it over and listen/feel for roughness
and noise indicating bad news. An outboard
used and stored properly is much more likely to be
an easy restoration and a good runner.
If it is not a candidate for running you can still
clean it up and make it presentable. Unless you
are an experienced painter...DON'T...original
factory paint with "character" is acceptable.
Water Pump impeller is a $30.00+ plus S & H item
which you will need to buy IF motor is to be a
runner...I have taken apart close to two dozen
of these outboards and found only a couple impellers I would use...Coils are in $40.00 to 50.00 each
range depending on may find no spark
problem is glazed contact points which is a
-0- cost fix.
Missing items can be found ,but, cosmetic items
are pricey...cowel and gas cap for instance.
A careful evaluation of internal and external condition is your first order of business...
even before cleaning. If it is going to be a
runner it will almost certainly need a new
water pump impeller...a display model needs
only what shows.
imho Louis

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

Thank you. I know it was always a good runner for him. As I mentioned, it was my grandfathers so I wanted to know what it was. I was thinking of giving it to our church for their annual garage sale if none of the siblings wanted it, so this information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


Re: Western Auto Supply ID

It does look like the wG-4 on the photo section. Instead of Wizard it reads the Western Auto super twin. I feel stupid now. Looking at that picture I seen the name plate was on the mount. The way it is hanging out there I could not see that. I will have to take it down after dinner and see if I have a id plate as well.

thanks again. Great web site!!

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

If you aren't going to keep it, why not offer to sell it to a Wizard collector on this site? Then donate the $ to the church. That will assure you a decent price and that the motor will be in the hands of someone who appreciates it. At a rummage sale it will likely end up in the Dumpster. Just my .02. JW in Dixie

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

I will check with the siblings and just may do that. That makes a lot of sense.

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

I am looking for an impeller to fit 1949-1950 wf4 wizard. I think it is 6hp. I tried to cross reference the merc 47-24447 and no one has it. Any idea where to find one?

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

Try Frank Erion @ He mentioned that some might be available just recently.

Re: Western Auto Supply ID

I looked up impeller at East Coast Marine. They are
out of stock for the impellers that fit the early
KD3/4 & WD3/4 thru KE3/WG4
Also out of stock are impellers that fit the KF3/KF5
Mark 5 and WH6/WH6A use a different impeller which
is in stock.
Apparently they are working on getting impellers made but it will take some time to produce up to Mercury spec.
East Coast has not stocked the oscillator type impeller (used on the prewar Merc,Wizard and Sea King} for years to best of my knowledge.
There are at least two individuals who make impellers
and oscillators for Kiekhaefer and several other
brands of outboards so.
So either be patient or look up an online entrepreneur