When Mercury received the contract to build WD3 and WD4 series Wizard motors, They chose to paint them a shade of gold while their Mercury KD3 and KD4 Brethern received "Dull" aluminum skin. The Mercury Dull Aluminum is available from several sources including East Coast Marine Services however, I have asked the most promising of these sources if they know where to get the Wizard Gold and have struck out up to now. Does anyone know of a source for the Wizard Gold paint? Mercury has what they call 20H gold but no one can tell me if it is the same color that was used on the early Wizard motors. Thanks in advance.
That is a tough one to find. I am going to be doing a gold face plate on my Mercury Mark 20, and if I come across a decent match for your Wizard, I will let you know. I don't think anyone makes an exact replica. The good thing is that those early Wizards are so rare, few people would probably ever question you if you weren't exactly correct in the gold shade. Many guys paint them dull aluminum like their Mercury K series cousins, so even if you can't find the exact gold, you'll still be "more correct" than if you paint it dull aluminum.
Not a great answer, but I will keep you posted if I find something.
I've blown some money on several shades of gold spray bombs from Lowes, Walmart, Home Depot, and Ace Hardware. None came close. I have three gold Wizards and there seems to be a slight color difference in all three. I'm not sure if there is a true color for them. My advice is to take the nicest piece you have and go to Sherwin Williams and let them match the color if you're worried about it... Otherwise get the Mercury 20H Gold here. http://www.nymarine.ca/
I haven't tried it, but it's said to be the closest color in an aerosol can.
Thanks for your replies guys. I already checked with nymarine and peter said he had never heard of "Wizard Gold". John Kwast had this to say about the 20H -
Hi Guys.
The 20H gold was a unique color and would not be suitable for the old Wizards.
I note that P. McDowell does not supply it.
The gold shade doesn't really have a metalic appearance to it and I'm not sure that the paint manufacturers of that era even knew what metalic paint was back then. I do know that the faded exterior paint on the motor has taken on an entirely different shade than what the protected surfaces look like. Anyway, I'll keep looking and will report back if I find anything promising.
I have been using a product called Goo Be Gone
to remove crud on a newly acquired WD4S revealing
a color I would call "Champagne Gold" I am not sure
that all is paint. Propeller appears to be anodized
color treatment as does the cowl...balance appears
to be paint...that which remains...about none left
on tank and 50% elsewhere. Color reminds me of a
1962 Chevrolet color.
The Wizard gold really shows up when missing while
Mercury Dull Aluminum can be mostly gone and still
look okay on an aluminum motor.