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What is it ?

I have a Wizard that I am trying to determine the model year, horsepower and manufacturer. The data plate is unreadable except for a stamp 0-1561. The engine block is stamped 1561, and 62701410. underneath the plastic engine cover is a sticker with "16.4 CU. IN. Check List". Can anyone please help me identify this outboard? Thanks, DC

Re: What is it ?


Can you post a picture to a picture site for us? That would help a lot in determining the model. If it is green, you have a Mercury-made Wizard from the 40-s to late 50s. But, a lot of companies made Wizards through the years for Western auto.


Re: What is it ?

I had an E-mail reply from He suggested the carburetor id would help. It is a Carter Model N, SN. 3038S. I also sent him some pictures as attachments. I have no idea where else to post pictures for you, other than as E-mail attachments. By the way, it is all cream (white) in color except for the turquoise green logo writing and knobs.

The ID becomes more critical. As I was running the motor yesterday , it coughed a couple of times (because of bad mixture adjustments), then it stopped blowing cooling water from the main-shaft ports, Impeller must have died. Thanks, dc

Re: What is it ?

Louis has nailed it down to Scott Atwater, Scott McCulloch between 1956 and 1965.

Anyone able to get it a little closer and suggest the horsepower?

I suspect closer to 1965 and 7.5 horsepower but just guessing from an old Sears I owned years ago.

What ever it is I need to get close so I can get a repair manual and go to work on it.

Re: What is it ?

Mystery solved!

The numbers 62701410 designate it to be manufactured by McCulloch.

It's a 1962/Wizard/14.1 HP/Manual start/first production run.

Thanks for the help. dc

Re: What is it ?


Thanks for reporting your findings back to the forum...that kind of information helps all of us!!

Hope you have fun with your Wiz. Personally, I think the first McCulloch-made Wizards were some of the nicest looking of all the Wizards. Much better looking than the McCulloch outboards of the mid-60's sold at Sears.