I have a sears gamefisher 7.0 hp Ted williams.The model#58586-1 S#A6A116716.It has an air cooled Tecumseh M#640-12 7818135. Is this considered an eska.Where can I find parts.Motor has sentamental value.
Yes, that is an Eska. Best place to start is Certified Parts Corp. They purchased all of Eska's NOS parts when they shut down in the 80s. Sears still sells some basic aftermarket parts, too. I have also seen a lot of Eska parts on Ebay.
I also have a 7 HP Ted Williams (1971 model). I am having problems getting the power head off. I have removed everything on top. Shouldn't the powerhead pop off from the shaft after all bolts are removed?
I only briefly owned a Ted Williams before I realized that if I didn't sell it I was going to throw it overboard. I can't remember the exact configuration, but the bolts should do it. Check to make sure that the neutral clutch shift lever isn't holding it up. I thought my 7.5HP had a cotter pin holding that in place, however, I can't remember if that would stop the powerhead from coming off. That is the only thing I can think of. Wish I could be more help.