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Wizard Outboard Motor Forum
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I have an old outboard that says Wizard 5.0 on the fuel tank. The top part of the motor is white, the rest of the motor is green. Model #ESK6615A77 and serial #77-440421. I can't find any info. about this motor and the model number does not match any of the reference charts that I've seen. Can anyone shed some light on what year this motor is in case I wanted to strip it down and repair it? Thanks.

Re: Wizard?

You have a Wizard made by Eska, and it is a 1977 model. It is the same as the Gamefishers/Ted Williams that were sold by Sears during that period. It has a Tecumseh air-cooled powerhead, and an impeller to cool the exhaust housing. Personally, I wouldn't spend too much money on an Eska, but that is just my opinion. Basic maintenance parts are easy enough to get, but again, you might want to be cautious on spending money on a motor that isn't probably worth that much. I don't say that to discourage you, but there are more collectible motors out there with easier and cheaper to find parts if you are interested in restoring a vintage motor.

Re: Wizard?

Thanks for the reply. I have a great running 97 8hp and I think I'll chase fish around with that instead of spending any time on the "old" motor. Again, thanks for the info.