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Juggalo Forum
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What is a Juggalo? Please give your opinion/experience.

This is a call to all the Juggalos who see this post: I want to know what your definition of a Juggalo is, and what it is that makes a Juggalo a true Juggalo. I've been enjoying a lot of ICP music the past few years, and now that I'm writing a college paper on the Juggalo lifestyle, I need help from every Juggalo and Juggalette I can find to tell me what the FAM is all about, in his or her own words. I wanna represent the Psychopathic Family right, so I need to go to the source.

So if you're a Juggalo, tell all about it. Whether you've been down with the Clown since Dog Beats and Basement Cuts, or even if you're new to the FAM, please tell your experience, and what the Psychopathic Family means to ya.
Hopefully, I can use the info to write a paper that will show the Juggalos in the proper light, because I feel the world in general has the wrong impression of the Family. And the info I use will all be anonymous, in case you don't want your identity revealed for any reason. Thanks and much clown love!