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Say Hello to Lorena

Hi dear Lorean,

How are you???

I haven't heard from you or found you posted anything onto other LFN forums for quite a long time. I really worry about you.

If you still checking this message board from time to time, please come out and a hello so that I know every thing is alright for you, my friend.

By the way, I don't know if you've learnt that is no longer existed and the message board has changed it's address as

Assume you have time and feel comfortable to chat with us again, you're so welcome to visit the site quoted and also Micheal's Retreat. Probably you need to re-register again while visiting or maybe you can e-mail to KG and ask the further details.

Big hug and kisses from Giaman
love LFN
love M&N
love R&P

Codename: NIKLISA