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new clip

Lorena, your new clip is just brilliant.
I just watched it and I am really taken by the combinations you used to create this masterpiece.
Well done !

Re: new clip

Hi HTF, how are you doing? Glad that you are enjoying the clips. I am seriously considering to take a course in video editing, it is a hobby that really hooked me. Well, I enjoy working with images and sounds besides writing.

Re: new clip

I'm doing fine, Lorena. Thanks for asking.
You go and enjoy the course.....if there only wasn't any copyrights to watch out for
Take care

Re: new clip

I think I told you once, HTF, that my plan is the following. To buy a film camera, this after I am more advanced in the course, and to produce videos about Brazil, focusing on the daily life, but also showing interesting spots.

The other idea is to produce classes focusing the subjects of my area to help students improve their knowledge.