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A Sad Day for Me

Sanibelle, my pal from Michaels Retreat is leaving. She won´t post there anymore. I know she left and came back a dozen of times, always trying to be herself, always trying to have some space, always wishing to have fun, and to have the freedom to say her opinion when fun became impossible.

I have a feeling this time is definitive, and this sensation makes me terribly sad. I´ve got attached to her, to her messages, to her emoticons, to her amusing comments, and even to the moments she was inflamed, disclosing her Sagitarian personality, which refuses to bend down, to be like everybody.

I see myself waving good-bye to her in an airport, after having lived for years in the same city, crossing the same familiar streets, walking in a park and saying hullo, how are you? This familiar hullo, this how are you I won´t hear anymore in that place, so I think I must leave the city myself, go somewhere else where at least I won´t miss the presence of Sanibelle.

Funny, we haven´t exchanged many messages in comparison to the messages I exchange with others. We have written no more than two or three emails to each other, and yet this feeling of comradeship had always been there within reach.

So, here in my own space I say that I am sad. She doesn´t have to read my message, she will feel it. From far or from near she was and she is my pal Sanibelle.

Re: A Sad Day for Me

I'll miss her a lot too, Lorena - maybe she'll come here and talk freely with us? That would be good.

Re: A Sad Day for Me

I hope so too, Spy. Sani is an amusing one. I hope she still has my email, for I am anxious to receive her debrief about the Mira and Rivers Conference events. You know I lost Sani´s email, but I think I can find it in the Guest Book thread.

And we Spy, for the time being, poor us, will have to satisfy ourselves only with debriefs.

Spy, the situation in Brazil is horrid still, especially after the rise of oil prices, although we can say we are totally independent in that sense. I mean we have our own natural resources and offshore exploitation like in England.

Anyway, the government is encouraging the use of alternative natural sources.

Re: A Sad Day for Me

Hi Lorena - I hope you've read Sani's debrief on the MIRA event at MR. It was a great report on the event and it was nice to hear from Sani again.

How is the oil situation over there in Brazil now? I'm pleased to see governments are now taking the idea of alternative energies a bit more seriously - maybe the situations in the Middle East will wake them all up to the need to look for alternative resources - it's high time more environmentally friendly energies were given government support before it's too late for the planet, although I'm still afraid that all they'll do is pay 'lip service' to them. The real money is still in oil and that's the overiding problem.