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Thank you, Lorena!

Lorena, thank you for your kind words in your
blog - I am glad that I can "stimulate" you in your
writing, and that you think my comments are important to you.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

signme - I hope you don't mind me stepping into your thread, but I wanted to thank Lorena again for her strength of character and honesty. Lorena - I know you are prepared to stand up for what you believe is right. I admire and respect you for that. Don't ever change, amiga, or I will lose faith in humanity. As long as there are people in the world like you, the world is safe.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

Signme, I really enjoy receiving yr messages and comments, so I am the one to thank.

Spy, yes I have always stood for what I think, and be sure I am not going to change, maybe control my temperament a little, because sometimes I get too inflamed. You should have seen me today in court. I am returning from an audience, and relaxing a bit here. If you were here, or if I were there, next to you, I´d say, come let´s have one: a beer or a caipirinha, whatever.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

Just popping back in again to say thank you Lorena for writing and posting that wonderful poem of yours. I read it, and your blog today and I agree with you that the words can apply to at least FOUR people I know right now (including myself). Thank you for your insight and the power and beauty of your words.

Please post more of your poems.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

By and by I will be posting poems and music, Spy. It is funny with the poems, they occur to me quite suddenly. Words begin to form in my mind about a certain situation, and then a short poem is born.

Another curious thing is that for me it is easier to write poems in English than in Portuguese.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

That's really interesting Lorena. Do you actually think the words in english, or do you think in Portuguese and then translate into english?
I love the sound of the words in Cesaria Evora's songs. I can 'feel' the meanings even if I can't really know them.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

Spy, Cesaria Evora speaks a beautiful Portuguese dialect from Cabo Verde, and she sings in that dialect too. It is a creative language, they invent new words to express their emotions, which have a marvelous sound.

I feel it is easier for me to write poetry in English, because there is a musicality in certain words which appeals to me. On the other hand, to write prose in Portuguese I find more easy than in English. Portuguese is fantastic for prose, it lets you describe a lot sensations. It is subtle.

BTW, today I received an email from Bjorn Lynne, the musician I enjoy. He loved the poem too.

Re: Thank you, Lorena!

Good for you. Lorena - maybe your poem will inspire him to compose a new song.............