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City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Cidade de Deus
editors | by Michael Darragh | February 19, 2004 at 05:29 AM | comments (0) | trackback (0)

In late January, Living in Latin America went to the movies (well at least writer Mike Derham did). Here he gives a brief review of the Academy Award-nominated motion picture, Cicade de Deus (aka City of God):

Unsurprisingly, Cidade de Deus ("City of God") was announced as a nominee for the Academy Awards yesterday morning (it's a great movie, if you haven't seen it, go. I'll wait till you get back).

What was surprising is that it was named not in the best foreign language catergory (in which it would have been a strong contender to win, against the odds-on favorite, The Barbarian Invasions). Rather, Cidade de Deus has been nominated for the cinematography, directing, film editing, and writing (adapted screenplay) awards ("gongs", which is the much cooler brit way to put it). In directing and film editing, it's competing against both of this year's Oscar juggernauts, Return of the King and Master and Commander. In the adapted screenplay catergory, it's competing against a veritable plethora of good nominees, including the unstoppable force that is ROTK.

The Oscars have treated Latin American cinema poorly. In the almost fifty years of the foreign language film award, only two films from the hemisphere have won (and Orfeu Negro was nominated from France, not Brazil. Argentina's 1985 La Historia Oficial is the other winner).

With such other strong recent candidates as O Que É Isso, Companheiro? (Foreign Film, 199 , Amores Perros (Foreign Film, 2001), El Crimen de Padre Amaro (Foreign Film, 2003), and Y tu mamá también (Original Screenplay, 2003) all missing the brass ring, in order to highlight the quality of Latin American cinematography, it might have made sense to suggest City of God for a relatively minor catergory (quick: who won last year?) in which it would have been a strong contender, rather than larger catergories in which it will be a soon-forgotten also-ran (Far from Heaven, anyone?).

COMMENTS: As you see there was really an orchestration against City of God and films coming from South America. I am not paranoid.

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Lorena, I am sorry that 'City of God' did not win an Oscar. I did think it was wonderful that it was in a category with ROTK...a favorite of mine...and also with M&C...a film I also enjoyed. Of course being in a category with ROTK meant it almost could not win...which is sad.

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Hello Lorena - as you know I really loved 'City of God', which I went to see originally on your recommendation. I was stunned by it in fact and went twice, with different groups of friends.
I was upset it didn't win an award, but not overly surprised - it's not really a 'Hollywood' kind of film, and the Oscars are nominated and awarded by Hollywood people - actors, directors, producers etc. This was an uncomfortable film for Hollywood - too close to the truth of everyday living for those whom it was about. It was uncompromising, raw and brutal - and it didn't have a happy ending (Hollywood is still not able to stomach films with pessimistic or downbeat endings; it needs the childish comfort of 'hope' to send it to sleep at night).
Placing its nominations alongside blockbusters in the English language was a cynical ploy to appear respectful of this movie, whilst at the same time ensuring that it could never win. If I was King of Hollywood, it would have won Best Film in a Foreign Language, just pipping Les Invasiones Barbares to the post.

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Spy, as you know, I´ve been quite upset about the treatment given to City of God by the Academy, but now I decided to adopt a philosophical view in regard to this episode.

At least, City of God was showed, people saw that our movies industry is flourishing, and that we have good film directors. In fact, Bruno Barreto, one of them, has been invited by the American film industry to direct various films in the USA.

If City of God were placed in the category of best foreign film, I would be very divided, because I find Les Invasions Barbares a fantastic picture. It is not because Roy Dupuis plays a part on it. The film is splendid in itself, Dennys Arcand is a genius. I saw all his films. There was a festival here two weeks ago of Dennys Arcand films. They showed Jesus of Montreal where Roy Dupuis also plays a part.

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Lorena - I agree with you about Les Invasonnes Barbares, it is a great film; I've seen it twice now. When I said it would be just 'pipped to the post' by City of God, I meant that IMO there would only be one point seperating the two movies - for me City of God was marginally stronger by its subject matter. Both were superb films in their own right. I hope Roy continues to work in these kind of movies and secures bigger roles in them to show off his great talent all the more.

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Vi a apresentação do filme. Mas não tive coragem para vê-lo.

Alguma cobardia? Talvez.

Os amigos que o viram acharam-no extraordinário, e porque eu não o quiz ver "moeram-me o juizo".

Re: City of God - Opinion of the American Critic (Very True)

Desi, realmente Cidade de Deus é um filme muito violento, mas retrata uma realidade do cotidiano da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Outro filme brasileiro muito bom, mas igualmente violento que foi apresentado no Festival de Montreal, é Carandirú, dirigido pelo Hector Babenco.

O nosso mercado cinematográfico está florescendo, com diversos filmes de excelente qualidade.